BaaBaa Black

Honestly that might cause me to vote for him. I've always found it a bit amazing that every non-entertainer public figure in the US still has to act like they've never watched porn of have an interest in sex beyond getting their 2.5 kids out.

Would you have liked it more or less if they went with the original 'McClain hunts Gruber down in Europe and murders him' ending?

Ah. Rose appears to be an upgrade.

Little old lady in The First Avenger…drawing a blank on that character. Mind refreshing my memory?

When I heard Chyna's account of what happened I thought that maybe she was remembering a storyline I forgot or something. It was that much like a WWE script.

Only thing throwing off the comparison is the fourth movie being a oddly fun watch, all things considered.

The relationship that killed my respect for all involved. Well it was the combo of how the relationship started and the way Chyna was stabbed in the back.

Hm. I know a three story fall can be survived, not sure how much landing on your back on concrete changes things.

You're forgetting that Rose is their first line of defense at the office. Clearly they think enough of her skill to rely on it to keep them safe or think that she's at least capable enough to buy them time if attacked.

Peggy's evidence was her assessment of Wilkes and the documents and cash being so easily found.

Wouldn't have mattered. He was basically being tasered over and over again but his crotch apparently had heightened senses on par with Daredevil's.

Not that I take part in such behavior, but I suspect that people were happy that certain sites had the episode available for download before midnight Eastern. And in 720p.

Late to the party, but i'm pretty sure you have that backwards. Every time Feige's name comes up in Marvel related news and rumors he's the one trying to kill links between the TV and movie divisions. Fiege taking more control of the movie division was the major reason that people believed the Inhumans movie would be…

"Have we ever seen a case where they think it's a wesen-crime, only to discover that nope, it was actually just a normal human doing awful things to fellow humans? Not that I can remember."

I'm pretty sure Trubel said Chavez caught up with her while she was with Josh.

She still has the credentials she had at the hospital, right? Or am I misremembering her having any?

I think all the Grimm abilities are tied to their awakening so he wouldn't have been any different from a normal guy until after he could see woge.

I read it as him telling himself, as much as the others, that their Juliette is dead and gone.

I tend to think of it less as the person being inherently evil and more as the hexenspirit(or whatever you call the thing that flew out of Adalind during the depowerings) being a vicious spirit with a tendancy toward malice that only strong willed hexenbiests know how to resist, control, and manipulate.

Not sure. Something about pants in Australia I think.