BaaBaa Black

That's gotta be tough. The number people who still have LD players has got to be low, and then you have to figure out which one you hate that much.

If only Fled ended when Stephen Baldwin said "Let's fled". That line still haunts me.

Not sure if its better or worse than the foot fetish that somebody out there has for every actress.

According to a book reader on Reddit the guns fire chemically propelled recoil-less plastic rounds.

Wolves that introduced me to that movie, and i've watched it six times. A forgettable character attached to a lame joke will always be a forgettable character attached to a lame joke.

A reference to a character so forgettable that a link is required.

Yes, people with powers existed in universe at this point, but we probably won't see any of them as none are relevant to the story here.

Who is?

Nah let's forget him, but remember the low budget porn films he starred in during his last 5 mins of fame.


I think in Trip's case they were hamstrung by him being a regular on another show.

I thought the implication was that he was said communist to avoid voicing an implication about her closeness to Wilkes.

Likely meant to be a reflection of the locale change.

Only things I can remember about that movie are the single from the soundtrack, which I think had every black male musician under 30 or so (in '94), and Lisa Carson's ass.

I say about the same, but i've never felt that things in the C to D- area are automatically unwatchable. It was an relatively interesting, but disappointing and expectation failing, ride.

One of the many problems with Erica this season. They never fleshed out her motivations beyond "hates EVOs, loves daughter".

I got Dracula canceled by DVRing it without watching. Sorry.

I felt the episode itself was somewhere between C- and D level.

They probably thought making Luke into the Human Torch was the next logical step for his powers.

He probably drowned.