BaaBaa Black

I was hoping he'd put Parkman to use.

I think they made the same mistake many of us did: we thought Kring would bring his (or another writer's) A+ game since this was his big chance at rebuilding his phenom. It's sad because the series still has a lot of potential, its just never going to realize it without a competent show runner.

I found myself mildly annoyed at Nathan's half-measure killing of Erica. I get why good people aren't supposed to go around stabbing people but it would have been so much simpler to just have Nathan lop her head off.

I recall Kreia not having an underwear model by default, with the robe she's wearing when you meet being her underwear model. It's quite possible to mod the game and give her the same undies as Handmaiden has though.

The type you describe are people who would have alternatives. Black men of the time wouldn't have a ton of options even if they were brilliant, and that makes them a better choice as they have no where to go that would offer the same level of pay or respect. Also, sticking out like a sore thumb isn't really an issue

I laughed so hard at that. Howard Stark, the proto-Hef.

If they went into the past then all of humananity would still get wiped out by the HELE eventually. Going to the future puts them on the other side of it.

Cox could be a more progressive choice, but I wonder if it is a good choice. The original worked because of great actors and performances. So far it feels like Fox is relying on stunt casting. For example, does Cox seem like a great choice if you have no idea of her history? That bothers me since the original requires

Only if the books have glossy pages I think.

Yeah. I found out just how bad they were the hard way. Probably the only forum where I needed to have a second account since I never knew when i'd end up with a suspension or ban.

Their personalities are balanced by unique prettiness so it would balance out, or those fucks might even get a +1 out of it.

Ah. Didn't know that.

"(untimely short, wear sunscreen bitches!)"

I'd argue that she's developed, but the audience tends to not like the idea of character development that doesn't result in a status quo change. I expanded on that thought further in another reply to my post.

Sansa showed signs of savvy in attempting to use Littlefinger's desires to her advantage yet she never actually made any gains. As someone else pointed out, Sansa going to Winterfell had more to do with Littlefinger maneuvering her into a position where she either had to go there and marry Ramsey or try to get back to

So Sansa had a brief wardrobe change. They showed that despite picking up a tiny bit of political savvy she was still someone whose moves were still being decided by those around her the entire way. To me it appears that people were let down by their own expectations rather than being let down by the writing.

Works for me. I'll start with the 20s and work my way down.

Fine. I'll start removing sides from your dice then.


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