BaaBaa Black

Speaking of MK and Tilda, I thought that her slight reaction moment when MK said the kinda cheesy line about her calming him was pretty cute and well played by Ally.

I took that statement from Quinn to be more along the lines of "I won't respect anyone who can't take power for themselves" rather than a statement of how the title had to pass to the next baron.

She was bleeding enough that it seemed plausible for her to not be able to.

Quite possible. Lance F*cking Henriksen.

The things you mention all look like they were scavenged or otherwise salvaged.

They never said it couldn't be inherited, just that it is normally taken by force. Lydia clearly expected Quinn to hand the title over to Rider until he proved unworthy.

Do you see them going to Walgreens or whatever for tylenol?

It could be the primary anesthetic in their world.

-(who is buying all these poppies? The economics of this world are a little shaky)

I don't think the barons are necessarily the strongest in their territory, just that a number of them rose from being clippers to being regent, then taking over the territory their baron commanded. Jacoby from last ep was the son of the previous baron of his territory.

Tilda's job wasn't killing last ep. Her job was attacking Quinn in a way that made it seem as if Jacoby was breaking their alliance. Otherwise she would have gone with one of the butterfly throwing stars instead of a pickaxe, which is apparently a weapon favored by Jacoby's house due to their house being the gold

The Dark One is probably MK. It seems that the pendant MK had could possibly be a marker for those who have his ability instead of just being a keepsake. Now the question is what exactly a cleansing does to a Dark One.

The really funny part is that those sites actually got clearance before they started doing business, then the attorney general had it revoked.

The ruling has zero to do with morality or commercials and everything to do with protecting the regulated gambling in NY.

MADtv had a lot of misses but I will always look back on it fondly because of this:

"Guns are popular because anyone can use them and they allow you to kill at a greater distance with less risk for yourself."

No need to apologize. Just thought it was funny that people have started the comments this way for 2 weeks straight.

Nah. Probably meant

They had to be intentional since they were all obviously bad.