BaaBaa Black


Because there wasn't any diversity pub' attached to that.

I think wigs are one of those things you don't notice unless you're either into hair enough to care about it or are so bored by the rest of the film/show that you can't help but fixate on it.

I guess I just wrote the "daughters" thing off as an expression or a kind of title or something and stopped thinking about it. It never occurred to me that it was supposed to mean she was her daughter in any other way.

Its pretty funny that both the Barons we've seen so far are oddly southern in accents and fashion.

Yeah. Calling her The Widow is less confusing.

When did they say Tilda was a child of The Widow's former Baron? I can't recall that coming up.

Do you mean Lydia(Quinn's wife)? Agreed, but they need to give her more to do. She is good when we get to see her.

There are no guns because the Barons have banned them, and we can probably assume that they are killing anyone who would make any. Its a basic part of the premise. So yeah…if you can't deal with that, giving up is a good idea.

Is "Ally Ioannides/Tilda looks like…" going to be the go to post-ep thing now?

The plot might have made sense in the end if they hadn't run out of money, time, or whatever else. I don't remember having trouble making sense of the story until I suddenly had to read the equivalent of 30 hours worth of gameplay in a few text bubbles.

No, VII's is better because you have a shot at getting a summon off before you've killed everything while trying to meet the conditions for summoning.


I think the world would be a bit better off if we let the targets of that one keep believing that fruit flavoring = healthy. Natural-ish selection.

I guess we'd have to wait an entire eight hours for the afternoon ESPN crew to make fun of them instead.

Will it also have a mode where you decide to start coasting on your natural gifts? Can you start dropping moves from your arsenal because you care more about what your fanbase likes than you do about fighting your best?

I wouldn't say it can't be used ethically. The problem is that its an ability that can easily lead to the user's corruption.

Huh. I think you might have found an unused porn star boob pun name. Great job!

Probably because she doesn't mind the whole enemy territory aspect of being one of the conservative guests. It seems to scare a fairly large number of conservatives these days.

Well, at least its a better argument than "Don't smoke because tobacco companies are having fun rolling around in your cash."