BaaBaa Black

That could be an interesting read but the lack of spacing started giving me a headache in the first sixteenth of that sentence.

He's probably from one of the first four books. Didn't get far into the series due to availability when I was reading it.

Thanks for the answer. The google results I got didn't seem particularly relevant.

What is this Roundhouse and why reunite its cast?

All american networks get scared that the holidays will kill their ratings, so shows go on break around this time. On top of that NBC has a bunch of stuff planned to fill time until New Year's.

Heroes' writers didn't start that trope. That one has been going since long before any of us were born.

I assume we're talking about Corso, the Smuggler love interest? Don't forget that SWTOR has 8 classes and 48 companions.

Just don't make the mistake I did and start dumping in difficulty boosting mods. An early slog gets a lot worse when easy encounters turn into Atlus-level ridiculousness.

Unfortunately I do not recall his name. I remember him discovering his power by taking LSD with flat orange soda, but that is about all i'm remembering right now

Reminds me of a character from the Wild Cards anthology GRRM edited. He was an ace that changed into different people/creatures based on what chemical compound he consumed.

What are the other two?

Nothing wrong with it. It was the movie that introduced me to Keith David.

C'mon. They're obviously being ghostwritten by Tupac.

If Truther Boy is Frady then no, he can't have been working for Erica all along. The Dark Matters prequel series on the nbc website makes that extremely implausible.

Melina seems like a super sheltered and naive rich kid so I can buy her believing that the first age appropriate guy that says they're related must really be her granddad. Its not that much weirder than trusting a crazy guy to drive you around the country.

In the Dark Matters series Phoebe was able to suppress powers within 15ft or so without needing to project her shadow tentacles or whatever.

He's okay on Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell but all he has to do there is play up being a cowardly loser type.

Because they couldn't risk him taking his sister's ability. They/we still don't fully know how it works, they/we just know it seems like its the same as his great granddad's power.

Tommy's power seems to have a touch limitation but I think that he isn't supposed to understand his original ability enough to use it at present. Phoebe's shadow power allows her to block abilities so its questionable that he would get a chance to take her power if he got close. And of course if he did take her power

Its worth watching just to see Snipes ham it up when he goes undercover.