BaaBaa Black

The scene was pretty obviously set up to have the guy draw the wrong conclusion from her choice of framing her statement similar to someone attempting to come out to a friend, or at least what TV says its like. It wasn't a grand statement about either of their characters, it was just a joke.

Amazing isn't it?

Hiro affecting Nathan in the sense of making him stick to the powers he trained him in back when Nathan was aware of him, not that he was somehow blocking his absorption when he was around.

I never watched The Office so I can't say anything there, but its pretty amazing that Spader can make some characters that don't make full sense on paper work on screen.

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It could be that he absorbs powers short term but she died before the power could return. Hard to say as this show has inconsistencies in the rules for her power. In the past she died while the eclipse blocked her power, but revived when the eclipse ended. Peter from one of the bad futures, who had Claire's regen

A bit of a miscommunication here. I meant that Nathan is probably still a power absorber but he isn't actively taking powers either due to an inability to use that ability, a one power at a time limit, or because Hiro doesn't want to risk Nathan losing the time travel and teleportation abilities. The last one in

Noah should have enough experience with corpses to tell the difference between a dead body and an unconscious one.

Right now its reasonable to wonder since we've seen enough to suggest that things could have changed enough for Quentin to be alive. Next ep may give us reason to be sure one way or the other.

Maybe you shouldn't blast someone for incompetence when you're pretty much guessing. The Quentin at the end could be a shifter, or he could have changed based on the change in timeline.

I guess. I just remember Claire constantly blaming her dad for it without anyone ever confirming it.

The missing 5 o'clock shadow threw me for a sec. I completely forgot what Invisible Lady looked like though.

Peter inherited a variation on that power. As far as we know Nathan still has that power and simply hasn't absorbed another to replace it, possibly at Hiro's direction.

Well, Hiro could have been fighting ninja and samurai non-stop while he was in the game.

Season 4 ended with Sylar reforming for good.

Something else to think about..neither of them knows who the other is at present. Malina just has a pic of T/N but no explanation his identity.

She had a brain tumor but I don't think they ever confirmed that the tumor was caused by Rene's power.

Sure you could take that risk. Tommy could jump back and get Hiro without incident. Or he could teleport himself straight into the path of a bullet or a decapitating sword swing.

Doesn't track based on the online part of Quentin and Phoebe's story.

Did you watch the Dark Matters online eps?