BaaBaa Black

They also cut out all the moments of him perving on women in costume. And downplayed how much being out of super-ing was like cutting off his testosterone.

Missed that. Only issue there is Quentin having to hope that Noah returned from his past trip wouldn't be surprised to find him there since they would at best have been assuming that Noah was on the trail in the future based on there being two of him when Erica was shot and wouldn't know that he was working with

Good point.

I think I was trying to find my bottle opener when KG would have gone to the peephole. I'll leave that part there.

I realized what you meant about Hiro after I posted so I edited that part out.

"And still doesn't explain why Molly was willing to go with Erica and kill herself, or why Noah didn't tell her about that to avoid her having to go with Erica and killing herself."

I keep getting the feeling that Kring literally picked up his season 5 script and went into production, then did rewrites based on who was available.

Good point about the old alt-future Matt. It makes sense given his past history of giving in to temptation at every turn in the original series.

If they hadn't made Erica a blatant evophobe she would probably be easier to understand. Instead she has hated them from her first appearance just because.


Penny Guy had to take every memory of Hiro to keep Tommy from going back to save him. He still has all his other memories, just none that involve Hiro and by extension any training Hiro gave him.

I haven't had the impression that we're meant to see Erica and those who allied themselves with her as anything other than extremists.

Peter and his dad had the same power til dad ate his son's ability.

Matt's kid manifested his powers as a baby and so did Claire. It was the reason she survived the fire her bio-mom started. Samuel, the S4 villain, began to manifest his earth powers while he was still in the womb.

Angela did say he was limited like that.

Why would we need to side with Erica? Or is that a typo?

Well Erica managed to sell Phoebe on assisting in a terrorist attack in what, a week or two? I think its possible that she could talk a lot of people into horribleness given enough time.

I thought they were pretty clear about Tommy/Nathan's amnesia being a panic reaction from Penny Guy.

It definitely would be better if we get to see the full sales job Phoebe did but I think it mostly makes sense when you lop off everything from the online story post hospital arrival.

" Quentin has previously been shown to be clear-eyed, rational, and dedicated to exposing Renautas. Given how much time we’ve spent with him, this is the one place this episode that the audience needs a little more hand-holding. At the very least, a crazy-eyed gleam from Henry Zebrowski as Quentin chats with Erica