BaaBaa Black

Wow. I forgot how bad some of the lines were. I also now recall how hilarious some of the TV dub lines were. Most weren't too crazy in wording but were really bizarre in choice of inflection and emphasis.


I think most people liked the Kirstie Alley of then more than Robin Curtis.

Highlander survived because they innovated. Jumping straight from the first film to the third was a bold move.

Unless he took 10-20 mins to fall that wouldn't make any sense. Unless RV is supposed to get back up after so he can shoot the unkillable long hair guy.

I wouldn't say it was bland though it was only a bit above average as a single player game, but the promise it had as an MMO setup was fairly high so I rate it a bit higher.

Definitely. Its a shame though as the lone game they produced was pretty good.

Now i'm sad that I didn't need to look it up.

Only flawless if you love them going back to the well of gross-out humor again and again.

And all music isn't available for download or streaming..

Sports Night proved that some can't tell on their own.

Having a show on TNT does that to people. Unless you're Sasha Alexander or Angie Harmon anyway.

The first season was also pretty good. It was probably the only group that had people with little to no expectation of becoming stars. San Fran was close but iirc three of the cast members were trying to build their fame via RW.


I like that idea. The Jetboy story and the story of the rise and fall of the first supergroup would both make more sense as individual mini series and then from that point the series could transition into an anthology.

That was probably for the best if you're right about that. Wild Cards would have to be extremely toned down to air outside of HBO or Cinemax. The first gen origins were tame enough, but handling Fortunato or anything introduced after..

I put that one in my Netflix queue but I can't get myself to watch it.

I know the rights would be significantly more complicated, but i'd rather have a Wild Cards series. So much batshit fun in that.

No, Joanne was upset that Mohinder took credit for their last kill spree and Luke noted that it was the second time that happened. The point was to illustrate that there is an active effort to paint Evos as terrorists.

Carlos was shown to be drinking away his guilt over being labeled a hero when he felt it was undeserved. Its not crazy for that to be a factor in his motives.