BaaBaa Black

Would make sense as she used it when asked for a specific person's location.


I think Queen probably still holds up, but I haven't watched it in ages.

That was what it looked like to me as well.

Strand got the key from the guy he gave his watch and cufflinks to, as they apparently came to some form of deal to escape together. He said "He was supposed to be my ride" as he was abandoning that guy to be zombie chow.

Closing the gate wasn't an option since the controls were on the inside. Closing the gate means either someone would have to stay behind or that person has to climb barbed wire to get out unless the hole Madison made was still there, and using that would have required a major detour since that hole leads to a possibly

Frank Stallone.

If it was the special where he talked about having cookies made for his kids that were shaped like their fears(dunno why that one stuck) it was definitely during his time on ABC.

Seemed to me she was saying that she wasn't interested if they didn't book the actresses she wants to sleep with.

Wow. I started thinking I was the only one who picked that series up. Guess there are five of us.

Yes the Soviets would care because there was no way of telling if the giant alien thing was a one-time threat or not. I think many enemy nations would choose an alliance with a force they could kill by normal means rather than hope that the giant unthinkable threat just ignores them. Enemy of my enemy blah blah..

I know its not new news but it still feels too soon.

Indeed. I found myself impressed with him a few times when he used to appear on Real Time as a panelist.

It makes sense for Travis though, since he still doesn't see how screwed they already are. It never made sense for Hershel, who believed in that idea after the full on collapse of society and loss of infrastructure.

*cough* when *cough*

Yeah. I like it when TV shows decide to show instead of tell but this show really needed more telling.

But getting bitten by a radioactive human should give you super human-type powers right?

He didn't see the guy from ep 1 get shot.

Pfft. Who speaks zombie these days?

If he really starts to respond to everything like that then he's my character of the year.