BaaBaa Black

My guess would be a bit of both. Marvel loves having an "X" in its mutant team books' titles and both likely wanted to cash in on gen-x-ers as an audience.

Gen13 was originally called Gen X (you can probably find scans of the original ads if you look hard enough), then the publishers realized that Marvel would likely cream them in any copyright suit, so they renamed the comic.

It would probably be a non-issue if a different writer killed the Exile, but as it stands an interesting character was removed by someone who had no connection to the character, to build up a character of their own who isn't particularly interesting.

That problem might have been related to one of the games other bugs. If Alistair isn't executed at the Landsmeet the game will assume he survives and is king.

Its funny as there has been a debate in recent years about the existence of dark-side corruption.

The uniqueness of the canon PC being female is tempered by the fact that they kill her off in a novel as a reputation booster for a sith character created by the same writer who created Revan.

Mods fix that problem.

The KotOR mod community has done some great things with these games.

Probably was Chicago Hope. I recall them also being the first to figure out how to get away w/ showing a woman topless in primetime.


I thought you were asking because you didn't know as I wasn't paying much attention to the context of your post.

Tripp turned to stone because shards of the diviner struck his chest when he shattered it. If you rewatch the recap at the start you can just make out the dark grey shards of the diviner that got embedded in his chest after it exploded.

I need to pick that series back up. I think I stopped on book 9 likeā€¦almost 20 years ago now that I think about. Time flies.

This brings back fond memories of using perma levitate and chameleon to rain flaming death down on enemies.

Yeah. The go-to "I have no fucking clue how to make dessert but yay I see a loaf of bread" options tend to be bread pudding and french toast. If they can't make those then its time for napoleans(mille-feuille) or ice cream.

I think Nyesha and Beverly from S10 deserve a shot.

Late response but I agree. Its the main reason why the result of S2 TC:Just Desserts finale still pisses me off.

Heh. I used to wonder if Vanessa Ferlito used Grindhouse/Death Proof as a way to escape being Carmine Giovinazzo's love interest.

I can defend it as Orlando Jones's best starring role.

I have fond memories of her wearing a more-see-through-than-production-realized leotard for a gymnastics showdown during her final storyline on the show.