BaaBaa Black

At the risk of being called an apologist, I have to admit that I also fail to understand why Paterno was punished. The things i've found about this seem to indicate that his real offense was assuming that passing the info up the chain of command was enough of a response.

I don't believe he cracked the liberty bell, he just blew up one of the many witch activation bells that the big bad tried to have deployed in the way way back.

Its the same network(DIY). It might air on HGTV on occasion as they are both owned by Scripps.

One of my sisters had a crush on him so I had to watch the Informer video practically every day back when it was in constant rotation.

I liked the Juliette/Adalind fight. It probably helped that I avoid previews and promos because of overhyping. I just wish there was a way to avoid that dame SNL banner crap. Having something that bright popup on two different shows that tend to work in darker colors seems stupid.

I say pick up the first book and see if its your thing. (or if you're so inclined the first 3, book 3 was the one that took me from a casual fan to one that watched release dates so I could get them ASAP)

Rosewood did suckā€¦but why are we bringing up something Ving Rhames asked us nicely to forget?

Meh. All I remember about the guy other than what I said was a case of bad 80's hair in the 90s.

He was okay in that one with the dog. The dog was carrying him in a lot of scenes though.

I'm pretty sure that one happened in the original run of the series. I remember it being the reason for their breakup.

Lets not be ridiculous. Kilborn was run off of late night TV in record time for good reason.

Never tried w/ ice cream. I might try that next time I find some eggos in the freezer.

The key to making eggos tolerable is butter and a skillet.

Or maybe they're just building depth for a long term villain? Introducing shades of gray to a character doesn't necessarily mean they are trying to make them heroic or likable, it can often mean that they want the character to have nuance instead of being a mustache-twirler who does bad stuff just to be bad.

True, but I don't think that would have sold me on Perabo as a spy.

Can't say i'm sorry to see this one go. I like Perabo most of the time but something about her in this role never really worked for me.

I can remember being a kid and hearing my oldest sister and her then BF raving on and on about how great her CD was, then the two of them doing all they could to disavow any knowledge of her after they heard she went to private school.

TCC suffered from a lack of compelling competition IMO. I watched all 3 seasons and I tended to lose interest as soon as the chef that caught my interest initially left. With the original I still finish seasons even if I don't care for the finalists.

George didn't make a sausage? Sausage doesn't have to be in a casing.

Tell them that they can still rez Aeris if they travel around the world backwards while hopping on one foot. Then, when they come back, ask them if they remembered to do 360 degree spins on each hop.