BaaBaa Black

Yeah surprised me when I read it. I'll see if I can track down the article that had that info. I vaguely remember finding it during the uproar over Goyer's moronic She-hulk comment…one of those times where you click one link on a sidebar, and then fifty more before you realized how far away from your original search

It bothers me more that Waller's creator only made her a large black woman because he wanted to take a shortcut to making her look intimidating.

It is, and that book is a somewhat loose retelling of Beowulf.

It was Baldwin. I've had that horrible line stuck in my mind since I watched it.

The 13th Warrior is my favorite adaptation. Something about the prayer/speech thing at the end makes me stop and watch the end every time.

I'd say 90% of the time they're called in by local cops and the cops get credit for the arrest. The rest are treated as special circumstances.

Is this some sort of ironic doom? Is the wink implied?

What part do you need clarification on?

TBH I was both shocked the guy loved S9 and happy he didn't bring up S6. I liked S6 but the way people keep bringing it up was old 2 years ago.

Don't want to derail discussion but i'd hardly call David from RW S2 the poster guy for badly behaving black people on reality TV.

KI has been decent TV so far.

Easiest way is homemade eggnog. Well, it does depend on batch size, but its still one of the better ways to get drunk during the holidays regardless.

Yeah it was probably terrible but my 10 year old self liked it enough to watch it every other day on HBO.

I'd say the CSI effect has done more good than harm. People might believe too heavily in the pseudo-magic science they see on fictional shows, but it seems to have had an overall positive effect by forcing prosecutors to prove their claims instead of relying on questionable info and the ability to get a jury to go for

You missed out. He was gunned down by like 30 cops in his second appearance.

The way that CSI Vegas has covered kink is one of its bright spots IMO. Most of the time the narrative avoids value judgements, and often times those few judgements are followed up by someone making a observation about the kinks relative normalcy.

Seeing the word reboot appear so many times makes me wonder why no one has rebooted Reboot. They could even pick it up from the faux gritty part of its run.

I hate myself for upvoting this. Good job!

I don't think he was wearing a wig, unless he ordered one with a massive bald spot in the middle.

I hope they don't. Makes her seem a bit less impressive.