BaaBaa Black

The changes would have been better if it hadn't done so many while changing a much loved feature.

I've just been logging in to check on the state of things. Kinda lost some interest after all the changes w/ the arrival of Silicon Valley.

I also had the impression that this story was meant to partially delve into Stahma's independence. It was a pretty good reminder that the thing that kick-started Stahma's character evolution was her relationship with Kenya.

You remembered right about Alak was dyeing his hair last season. Can't recall the exact point when he stopped now that i'm thinking about it.

I admit I was happy Roosterhead wasn't killed off just because I thought they gave her an interesting look.

The kidnapper might not be human. Could be a resident of Defiance who didn't want their VC ties known.

Huh. Never knew that existed.

Not enough syllables but in the general neighborhood.

Now that I know you're a woman its going to make reading your posts in Hank Venture's Russian voice that much moreā€¦I dunno, kinda forgot the word I want to use.

I guess enough time has passed for DJ and Mogul-in-the-making Alak Tarr to forget his days of dyeing his hair and wearing human fashion. Or maybe the bar for racial insensitivity is always set at face paint.

As a game player I can tell you I haven't seen the creatures that the Gulanee killed in game before, but i've only seen around 70% of the game's explorable areas. There is supposed to be an expansion of the game world soon so we may see those things in-game at that point.

I'm surprised Nolan didn't check that out for us.

Chatting with the Gulanee they encountered wasn't an option as this one seemed to be under the belief that the Pale Wars were still on, which lead to it assuming that every human it saw was an enemy on the battlefield.

Heh. Now Berlin needs to write her book.

I'm certain the bra burning was referenced the same way the bad guy at the end of the last season brought up golf when threatening Yewll. Its a statement meant to remind us of how far removed the world of the show is from ours.

Yeah. Last week the DJ said that there was a way for Christie to feel like less of an outsider when Christie complained about Casti customs after the thing w/ Datak being allowed visitation. Wasn't quite expecting the castiface though.

I think we all tried to block that memory as soon as they got put out of everyone's collective misery.

My favorite Jack the Ripper theory is from the anime Nobunagun.

Time to see what Momoa looks like in a horrible blond wig!

I understand a bit better now. I'm more used to someone using that phrase to mean they want to talk at the person rather than with them. If you feel like you can have a decent discussion on the subject, go for it.