BaaBaa Black

So, I have 2 reply notices here but one of the comment threads won't pop-up no matter how many times I refresh.

Illegal player collusion? Hilarious.

Yeah! Then maybe we could trick one of them into thinking they are some kind of messiah once a generation in order to maintain productivity.

No you shouldn't "call him on it", but you may want to discuss his beliefs in that area with him. You may never agree with him on any level but making the assumption that his stance on things is so wrong that he needs to be lectured is never going to get you anywhere.

address should be

I like Samus but I can't remember caring that much when I found out that she is a she.

I loved the scene where everyone tried covering for NIck and the glasses at the rehearsal.

How has Nick been stringing Juliette along? He proposed to her a while ago and she refused. Then that storyline was almost immediately followed by Juliette's magic amnesia, which seems to be about 6 months ago in the shows' timeline. If anything they've shown that Nick is trying to deal with the complications that

Probably. A lot of straight male stars in the industry do gay porn for extra income because its supposed to be a much bigger paycheck.

So we're really up to five things then.

Its also possible that magic texts can have different requirements for opening them, and given the relationship Adalind had with her mother its possible that things like the method for opening that particular book were hidden from her.

Heh. After all their background building on those two the of note difference between them is Sabertooth being a rapist on occasion.

Stryfe shot Prof X in the chest not the head.

I had no idea about TWoP. I used to go there regularly a few years ago but I got kinda irritated with the over-moderation on their forums. Kinda sad to see it go. They had interesting recaps.

At some point he was retooled to be a teen with generic superhuman abilities from nanites.

I was under the understanding that the people who were after her back then wanted the key that she had. Her husband and friend were killed due to a case of mistaken identity on the assassins' part.

The wesen Nick meets are going into partial woge due to stress. Nick usually meets them because of a homicide and being the subject of a homicide investigation or a person of interest in a homicide investigation tends to be a stressful thing.

Yep, the Glades was cancelled.

Oh God. I think I would actually pay to see that.

Shouldn't the bad ones be the ones to get the do-over instead of the near-classics?