BaaBaa Black

Or they could fold the new Timecop into XDFP then I can ignore both much more easily.

I find point 2 reasonable but point 1 makes as much sense as banning violence on tv because a nut might go on a shooting spree. People who want to commit violent acts will find a justification if they need one. No amount of censorship is going to stop someone who is fucked up enough to commit any of those crimes from

Monroe and Rosalee both assumed that Nick knew already and they are pretty much his only info source. Well, talking info source. He has the trailer but all the stuff there is focused on wesen killing info.

The eye thing has been a long existing explanation as I read it from a reposted twitter Q&A after the 1st season, possibly during the 2nd season. They just left the answer at "They see themselves reflected in his eyes" and waited until now to elaborate.

You can find it on The Hub from time to time. They seem to change their schedule every other week though so good luck catching it.

I'm kinda fuzzy on that part too. At one point she was worried about losing the orphanage, then about her boyfriend being pissed about her hiding things…never made much sense there.

[raises hand]

They were people like Jem that used Synergy's holograms to dress up for performances because makeup is for poor orphans.

Clearly those parents understood how important it is to get your children an early start on ass appreciation.

I know what you mean. I make my own nog yearly but I always have to wait til turkey day as I know the stuff would get chugged by my father and some of his alky pals.

Korriban. Come for the freezing desert trek, stay because one of the psychotic sith or sith ghosts probably killed you.

This just gave me the fictional game(s) i'd want to play - the Xenogears series. It would have been interesting to see how they worked back to the story of that one.

I always thought The Cape would have worked out better if they connected it to the Heroes world, just because the world of the show didn't quite work w/ the concept imo. Not sure if it would have made The Cape's origin story seem less hokey though.

Heh. As a SC resident I have trouble coming up any idea of how that would work.

Right. Lets avoid giving a show that was decently liked before it went off the rails another chance when they could revive 9 properties no one was calling for.

Its even more of a true statement when you add crypto-currencies into the mix. Another subject for another time though.

Its an interesting story

How many of those were in the regular timeline?

More or less this.

Have you looked at your avatar recently?