Uff da

Can we please talk about Jake Shields throw???

What in the fuck is going on in that video?

Look into how he trains and eats. I think he is pretty dedicated.

+1 World’s Greatest Dad

Highlight truther fo life.

Do better, man.

2 options and you have to pick 1:

I did the same thing but I had him neighing like a horse.


Fuck. I was so hoping for one of these.

He looks like my butthole.

Holy moly.

Damnit Erik.

Whenever my friends and I talk about Russell Wilson we call him Russew Wiwsew and for some reason it is absolutely hilarious.

Fuck this so much.

I came here for the literal ass kicking and am leaving disappointed.

How in THE shit did that guy not think that was a foul?


Touche, so it was me that wasn’t getting the joke.

That’s the joke.