Uff da

What about nose picking (and sometimes eating)?

Great advice! What is your smoothie recipe?

How about options for iOS games with friends?

I used Aaptiv for running workouts for about 6 months and absolutely LOVED it. Like you mentioned, there was a coach giving direction with music playing in the background. My favorite part was the motivational aspect, where they would say things like “Think of someone right now that isn’t able to run like you are, and

Is there an option for auto folding seats? It seems like the majority of people driving these are women and folding/unfolding those seats looks a bit cumbersome.

It’s not a mistake. I got it for $9.70 total. All you have to do is start a free Prime trial and you will get the discount. Thanks for the heads up!

It’s not a mistake. I got it for $9.70 total. All you have to do is start a free Prime trial and you will get the

Is there a link to the discount page?

No, no, no, for fucks sake. Racist tweets were held up by a sign with beer money, man.

This is great and encouraging! Any advice on how to deal with my 2 year old constantly saying “No” to things that I ask him to do?

You can definitely do this.

Really, really enjoyed Nothing but Heart. Thanks for the recommendation!

Missed your response. Thanks for the thoughtful input.

Kate, I really enjoyed that short read. Thank you.

Can you point me to the comments and horrible people? Genuinely want to know as I have been a fan of his and am second guessing my fandom.

The Highwomen!

What’s a good album to start with?

“That’s not what sells.” Did you see this Patrick?

I really appreciate your comment. Nuanced, compassionate and well written.

I caught up on the latest episodes of Euphoria and The Loudest Voice. I feel exhausted at the end of each new episode but I keep coming back to see how much more fucked up it will be the next time.

You are living your best life.