
In this economy, he was probably working as a back up camera smh

Showed them pictures of rusty Jeeps to pass himself off as Canadian.

Isn’t Obama’s intervention why we’re stuck with Biden in the first place?

Nailed it. Needs to be no more complicated that this.

There’s a bit where I feel like he was a bit of Black Icarus, who loved flying among the elite too much that he believed the sun when it said his melting wings were a liberal hoax.

Day 0: Make an anti-mask tweet

Now the real question is going to be: should Democrats win, will they actually do this? My biggest concern—and honestly what I’ve put all my money down on predicting—is that even should Democrats miraculously pull off a Senate and Presidential flip in November, they will bend over backwards to suck off as many

You’re not a fan? 

Oh dear... it really is the end isn’t it?

“... as you don’t see a lot of blind car designers.”

They stole my design. I drew that exact car on the inside of my Trapper Keeper in middle school.

This is proof that money does not equal good taste. This is one awful looking car, although I do applaud the company for hiring equal opportunity as you don’t see a lot of blind car designers.

This is one thing you don’t skimp on. These ESCO stands are great and you can trust them.

It’s pretty hard for me to not believe based on their previous behavior that this is nothing more than an attempt to pull both black (at least the ones who havent dropped him) voters and the tesla voters away from Biden in order to keep Trump in office.  I mean I wouldnt be surprised if theyve been spending too much

Microsoft? Have they tried turning it off and turning it back on again?

Every time I hear that name it reminds me of the Elmo movie villain. That association is burned into my brain after my toddler watching the movie for a millionth time.


but there’s no rust...”

I didn't expect to become a Mazda fanboy. It just happened. Thanks, Mr. Matsuda.

What failing Jalopnik won’t tell you is what a fantastic job I would do reforming the UAW. It’s going to a beautiful, classy union when I’m done with it. I give myself an A+ on union reforming. And having tremendous respect for women, I give myself an A+ on that as well. And you can tell China we’re winning at space. W