
“The plan would be key to reducing the impact of climate change enriching those with influence over the government.”

People can enjoy things all they want, right up until it’s actively harmful to everyone around them. Driving giant gas guzzling SUVs because it makes you feel like a bigger person is actively harmful.

....kind of?

So... they’re not waiting to receive the Eucharist?

I was a Bernie supporter in 2016 and now support Warren. Back then, I thought all the talk of misogynistic “Bernie bros” was trumped (ahem) up. Now... holy shit, I think the Clintonistas were right. Go into any Sanders web forum and the hate for Warren is visceral. Just look at all the comments on Twitter when she got

Counter-counter point: your PoV is based around swaying voters who are on the fence, which is the right way to lose the 2020 election.

What kind of an asshole would choose to vote for Bernie first, but then have Biden (instead of Warren) second? Or have Warren first, but Biden (instead of Bernie) second?

Really, they should hate Great Britain more than they hate us. It was a dispute with the British over oil revenues, followed by Britain’s plan to install the shah that really screwed things up over there. We helped execute the plan, but it wasn’t our idea; It was cooked up by the British SIS. The actions of a greedy

It goes back prior to Nixon. I’ve had this discussion with Iranian ex-pats and they believe that if the Shah wasn’t propped-up by US foreign policy, the Iranian people could have dealt with that despot through constitutional reforms. The US basically ran a pick play for the Mullahs to turn the country into a

To be fair, the embargos we’ve placed on them has been fairly catastrophic, just like with Cuba. When you had to depend on Russia for economic stability, when Russia wasn’t doing so hot either, then your economy is going down the shitter.

The problem is that geese these days don’t have good role models like they used to. That makes them susceptible to copying the bad behavior they see in the media. I only wish someone from the goose community would step up and tell these impressionable young geese that this is not okay.

It’s Taco Tuesday, everybody.

You think any of those were on the table? Really?

By your logic, the senate would pass these bills if there wasn’t an impeachment inquiry.

Gotta go with a classic.

30 minutes from nuts to bum? Taint possible.

I would expect it to be moving towards a post-unionised society because central government should have adopted protections for workers by now.

Reading articles like this fascinates me. I’m not from the US, but here in Ireland we’ve always had a strong labour movement (right back to the foundation of the state actually), and workers rights are at a point where I (in the IT industry) don’t feel like I especially need to join a union. Why is it like that over


Stick to DRIVING cars” is my favorite extremely specific stay-in-your-lane comment to date