And that, folks, is an allegory for Lotus’s future sports car ambitions.
I am not condoning any of this but I would pick a good ol boy drinking a tall boy on the way home from work than the people watching Reels on their phones while driving.
Just picking and choosing what to follow and what to not follow that an officer tells you to do can be incredibly risky. Couple that with the fact that it’s hard to decipher what is a direct order and what is simply them trying to get you to do something on your own volition, makes dealing with cops way more confusing…
Their reason is so jaw-droppingly idiotic, I’m surprised that they didn’t make something up (“The server room has been flooded! We’ve lost the connection to the backup servers!”) in order to avoid the overwhelming embarrassment.
Was just going to say this. I’ve been to Burning Man--a few wealthy, but the vast, vast majority are middle class at best.
Gotta stop this whole burning man is for the rich thing. Yes, there are people with money out there, lots of them. But the majority are just regular people, in a van, a rented RVs, people car camping. But the camps and tech bros whatever the fuck that is, get the attention.
This is not a rich sport. Tickets are…
Capitalism at its best folks, enjoy this while it lasts because the revolution is coming - you’d think French F1 billionaires would remember their history but well, let them “eat cake” once more.
Not surprised. The Times is still a Manhattan paper where cars are painted black or yellow and something you ride in not enjoy. Why don’t the Detroit Free Press or LA Times have car blogs? Those cities should care a lot more about cars than New York...
These are actually not particularly unreliable, especially once Maserati ditched the automated manual in favor of the tried-and-true ZF 6AT (which was in various European cars of that era, and even some Ford products).
Given that we don’t have a fascist system of government, and given that opposition to the government is absolutely no the same as being anti-fascist, these guys aren’t anti-fascist. Rather, they’re big fans of the last guy, who made no secret of his own fascist inspiration.
well they are a group of fascists, so anyone who opposes them is antifa by definition
The real game is Azad and it’s played on a Board of Origin, the Board of Form, and a Board of Becoming and actually is much more complex than chess.
Why? It only affects the 15 people on earth who can afford this. Fuck all 15 of them.
Depending on the circumstances, we might also be able to re-christen it the Schadenfreude
Stick to ports.
with clouds of doubt surrounding this year’s Russian Grand Prix in Sochi...
There’s a chance that Mazepin will not be racing this year. Haas has apparently removed Uralkali from their Twitter page and Guenther Steiner was pulled from doing a press conference today. Something’s going down at Haas right now.
Mazepin’s first race victory is imminent.