
The perfect punishment would be lock the kid in a room until he makes a perfect replica without any clothes and the floor is made entirely of haphazardly scattered pieces of Lego superglued to the ground.

I run a small (tiny) business, and really, this law is looooong overdue. Pay people for the work they do or for the hours they work, and stop making excuses about how this will hurt - think of the people working long, hard hours for minimal compensation. If overtime is expensive for the employer in dollars, it is even

It would be even more awesome if he flew it from the barge to the launch pad at Kennedy Space Center and put a second stage on it on the pad and launched it again. That would be game over for everyone else.

you are correct

I think I read somewhere that theyre playing with the idea of landing it on the barge, refueling it, and flying it back to Canaveral.

Same trick? Let’s see here...

Ah yet again, another “no fucks given” car that looks like it was deliberately and carefully designed to look like the owner didn’t give a fuck.

I totally dig it, but let’s be real here.

Ouch. I had heard about this a few months back but just from the Spanish translation team, which had gone on strike back in February. There was a thread on reddit started by the head of the translation team, which has sadly been partially deleted. There were some articles about it, if you feel like doing some reading:

Exactly! It’s not like they haven’t done this kind of thing before. After all, cigarettes don’t really cause cancer, and lead was always and naturally 1000 times higher than it is now. Oh, wait. Cigarettes really do cause cancer. And lead levels spiked a thousand fold throughout the industrial age when we started

Guys, seriously.

It’s kind of like Stockholm Syndrome for jalop-o-philes. It’s not that you really like brown manual wagons... It’s just that it’s been suggested to you by your captor so many times that you now identify with it and you say to yourself “yes, I do like brown manual wagons.”

Same folks in the Clinton campaign who started the “Obama Boys” thing back in 08.

comparing one of the two candidates in an undecided democratic primary to third-party general election candidate Ralph Nader is pretty ridiculous

Curt Schilling? Is that you?

No Sanders supporter owes Clinton their vote. The onus is on her to earn those votes, and if she can’t, then she’s flawed, not the voters.

To be fair, it’s probably hard to talk yourself into giving up when you’re still regularly winning states.

Came here to say this

They have yet to resolve the biggest problem, the silly luxury price premium.

Two words: