
The Few, The Proud, The Untinii!

I fully support Benzies in this... unless R* decides to release RDR for PC. If that happens, then I fully support R*.

“Fuck. So close.”

I love the CG the most, they look identical to the original model shots, with a bit of a more modern glitz, but doesn’t take anything away from the classic look.

As an Iranian-American, I think it’s great that people are learning more about the 1979 revolution. My parents were college students at the time and I heard stories about the Shah’s secret police breaking into people’s homes and arresting them/making them disappear just for owning Marxist literature. It was a

I am excited about this game. I love that the subject matter breaks new ground. I love that gaming is growing up and branching out as an art form. I guess I’m hoping that more developers will make games with less bad-assery and more dramatic realism. I hope 1979 will be a milestone in gaming artistry.

This is the exact story of the parents (and other family members) of one of my best childhood friends. His parents fled Iran, he and his two brothers were born here, parents went to university and became professionals. They all regularly participate in Iranian pro-democracy events in the US. One thing a lot of people

Topical, I just recently (within the last few months) finished “The Lonely War” by Nazila Fahti covering the revolution and the events up through the late oughts. Fascinating time period, massively entangled ideologies in a turbulent period of history.

Yeah I have an Iranian native co-worker who hasn’t been back to Iran since the 1980s. He was of course one of the many forced out because of the revolution, they had to leave all property, money, friends, family, pets and just come w/ his family as kids.

That really comes through in the game. The delivery of that fact is not done in a particularly heavy-handed way but the info is definitely there to be picked up on.

To many in the West, Iran is an indistinct enemy power that seems perpetually embroiled in internal conflict, a country currently led by a volatile leadership with dangerous nuclear ambitions.

It always frustrates me to know so many Americans are completely unaware of how we as a nation helped caused the clusterfuck that is Iran today. We overturned a democratically elected government to protect our (and British) oil interests, and the dictator we put into power created the environment that allowed

I kind of love that though. Kylo Ren is unlike any Star Wars villain we’ve had in the past, this weirdly impotent, angry young man who is enraged that his legacy, his destiny (the most powerful concept in Star Wars, after all, is prophecy and fate), has been denied to him.

Someone more skilled at photo-editing could do a better job, but even my shitty ‘shop looks better. It’s not that it needs a grille, it just needs to lose the “look, I don’t have a grille” fascia.

I am also not a huge fan of the 15" screen and no information directly in front of the driver. Recall, however, that what we saw were prototypes. So, it is very possible that much of the interior will still change before production.
While mounting the screen on a “post” instead of integrating it into the dashboard may

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I have to disagree with you, James. There was at least one other April Fool’s day joke today that rose to the occasion.

If they really wanted to rub salt in the wound, they would have [sic]’d “America history”

That last one is incredible. Could’ve really tied it back historically by adding “...unless some asshole got access to your letterhead and decided to write stupid letters to us. Perhaps because you seemingly forgot you represented Phillip Morris, we should assume that this is the case.”