
Fact: If you drive over it slowly in reverse it tells you to worship the devil

And invest heavily in Nabisco, Little Debbie and Hostess.

Kinda hoped it might be a fastback, if those are legit photos.

Like this? Oh how I wish this were real.

Maybe I am in the minority here, but I wish Mazda would just build a damn fixed-roof Miata. I would love for a little hatchback, or in imagination land, a shooting-brake.. But I would settle for a new version of this:

It’s not so much PR but a policy of making there systems secure. Also they shouldn’t be put in this position. The FBI should have hired an outside company or hacker to open the phone for them. Not ordered apple to break into something they have tried to make secure. Apple’s job is to make it secure, the DOJ’s job is


"My wife/girlfriend/husband/boyfriend/significant other said I should get rid of this car, so it's sitting on craigslist/ebay/facebook for well more than it's worth so that I can say I gave it a shot."

Not all are, Well I mean, not very in depth coding, you can’t be a decent IT guy without knowing how to read and mash together some sloppy code at a minimum. Keep in mind all those IT guys have engineering degrees that often required programming classes. I had to take Turbo Pascal, and C++ back in the day for my EE

How about you cut the H-1B visas for the tech industry, and stop these free trade agreements to countries where trade is lopsided in their favor?

Yeah, but by weight, it was pretty equal.

Same goes for most people.

Just yesterday I noticed a wifi network available in the Pentagon Metro station broadcasting the SSID “Secret.” Honeypot, or nah?

“You can blame your parents for some of those gray hairs”

AHAHAHAHA that’s great also nothing gets through the senate.

The Court is NOT on Dr. Luke’s “side.” The Judge merely applied the law to the facts. As an attorney one of the hardest things to deal with are bad facts. They are what they are and we do our best to construe them most favorably to our clients but ultimately Judges have no discretion to choose a “side” they like. It’s

Ah yes, Fettscheisse 500... I think I’ve seen that porno.

They want Apple to create software that allows you to bypass the feature that erases your phone if your passcode has been entered wrong 10 times. It’s a feature that protects all of us from someone using brute force to log into our phones. If they do this then it won’t only be the FBI who has the ability to bypass

Hoooow? How does he not age?!