
Fuck all of you people bagging on Maddie for writing this article. And fuck all of you who think we should “be respectful” of Scalia and his legacy. Scalia was a piece of shit and we’re all better off with him gone from SCOTUS. He did more damage to the advancement of society and civil rights than any conservative’s

That’s not necessarily a bad thing

Some of the papers are online (half of the elder Bush’s, all of Eisenhower’s, most of Ford’s) but some of the earlier presidents are going to be trickier. I’m in contact with all the presidential libraries and I’ll definitely have to visit a few to complete the list.

Judging from the extra blubber he has grown in the lead picture, I was thinking of him being a Big Mac user.

What they did was dumb. Would I have done that as a teenager? Yes.

I don’t know how the 80s would look on the moon. I know what the 70s do.

This woman is a true hero. I should celebrate by sending her pictures of my genitals, right?

Can someone give this memo to the US Patent Office? They still have a filing system that requires Java, and don't seem interested in changing it. It may literally be impossible to file patent applications online soon.

I love football, but have a harder and harder time just vegging out and watching it like a big dumb baby than I used to the more and more this information comes out. You watch a guy like Antonio Brown go ragdoll from a helmet hit, and it’s hard to ignore the CTE elephant in the room.

Don’t know where this is but it’s waaaaaaay cooler.

So, invitation to Hoonigan sent?

See, this is the kind of article some knuckledragging moron will read - the type that rants about the proliferation of electronic nannies - right before turning off said nannies and wrapping this thing around a tree.

This is what happens when you don’t have winter tires AND check them with a digital gauge

Is this some sort of Italian humor?

“The car physics are more realistic in GTA IV in terms of handling, and also in terms of how the cars crash.”

Excel is EVIL! And it must be stopped...


While this is cool, I can’t stop thinking that it is silly that money will be earmarked for autonomous transportation instead of doing it first for mass transportation. Yes, it will be nice to have autonomous cars that will reduce the incidence of accidents and will bring nice fat profits to the companies building

This was my first reaction. But piracy serves at least one good: supplying games that are no longer available (either though being out-of-print or not being available on digital platforms). There are many games that just aren’t playable anymore unless they’re pirated, and this can cause serious problems in the gaming