
Turbo Planets on a PDP-11. I think I went about 16 hours before I was eliminated.

My answer is also 5. But I got it just by adding the numbers diagonally.

I’m not entirely sure about this, but I think that my father may have been the last board certified obstetrician to perform a home birth in the state of California. He loved doing them, but eventually he was unable to get malpractice insurance because of it.

I really wish someone would pay Clowes to write a Lloyd Llewellyn screenplay.

Parallel Construction sucks.

What I want to know is how they were able to link Daron Wint to the DC murders with a pizza crust in less than a week.

I had one boss tell me that low pay and long hours with no overtime was justified because we were in “startup mode”.

We used to call these “servers”.

That was good!

That appeared to be flawless.

Soulwax FM is the first good EDM station in the franchise since Rise FM in GTA III. Definitely my favorite go fast station.


Does Spotify make bpm available in its api, or does Go calculate it?

I think they did a whole seperate post about it.

I posted this a while ago... my first four year old is now nine, but I have another...

Might want to check your link.

I should have read more carefully before being snarky. I apologize. I am not a denier.

I was going to, but I guess you beat me to it.

I dunno. Using the pliers in the torture scene kinda freaked me out. Can I just go back to the jumper cables?

We seriously considered dropping a DEC Alpha off a four story roof.