
They need to prove that it is very safe before they send a large fuel laden vehicle hovering over florida.

I’m sure he and Isadora Duncan will have lots to talk about.

How the fuck did this get past cloture?

This should be called “ducted fan” powered.

The Trucker's hitch is easy, but I think it helps to actually cinch something down to have that a-ha moment.

Reminds me of this:

I thought the same thing.

You are absolutely right. I did exactly this in Apple Basic in the early eighties.

It would have been better as a choose your own adventure book.

Mann Co. represent!

That would fit filming in Croatia

There's a lot of work going on to get microbes to eat lignin and produce useful fuel. Maybe making our roads with the stuff isn't the best idea .

The computer itself is not wearable, but a device that drives the screen and collects input is.

There is historic precedent-

It is actually really comfortable.

I use a big one that my wife picked up at Michael's. Plenty of room. Mouse, Keyboard, and Beer!

Acid is always happy fun time for me. Oooh! Look at that! I could look at that all day! Hey, those security guards are following us! Ha! Let's go on Small World! Nice and cool in here. I have goosebumps! Do you have goosebumps? What does that sign say? Bank of America- wherever you go we are there. Heavy. Next!

I'm waiting on pins and needles!

And when the hedge funds dump their stock and the price tanks, THEN YOU BUYBACK.

1980. Whittier California.