
Very bad. I usually drink Pabst, and I can't stomach this.

I've mostly doing the woman names. My car's name is Bianca. Before her was Veronica.

If they released it for PC, I would be all over that shit.

I used to recite all of the names of my ex-girlfriends while trying to go pee.

The wheel of choice for the zombie apocalypse.

Behold! The midi-chlorian!

Didn't you get the memo? There's an app for that!

My father and step-mother were extremely permissive parents. I can't tell you what a relief it was to not have to lie about anything.

They imply that some kind of noodle dish is next.

It's the same in Humboldt. Anytime there is a major astronomical event, it is cloudy as fuck.


I generally concur, but I have to admit that when I am stuck behind some dumbass that is passing at maybe 1 mph faster than a car in the right lane, I am following at a reasonably safe distance, and some asswipe passes me on the right just to get in front of me, it kinda chaps my hide.

Matt Tracks.

Good luck with that.

First we have to instill the "get out of the passing lane unless you are using it" thing here in the States.

I had to cut my comment short because I had to put my kids to bed.

You can have sex on MDMA?! That's amazing.

My three year old loves Adventure Time. He's kinda special.

That Ferrari unit looks like it belongs in my 2004 Subaru. Seriously. Same plastic, buttons, font on the buttons, and knobs. They probably use the same supplier.

Molyneux has made some really good games. Godus is not one of them. I played it on mobile, and it was junk. Nothing happened. There was nothing at stake. It felt like one big tutorial. I'll never get those hours back.