

What is that first GIF from? That is fantastic!

I don't really play multiplayer games anymore, but my wife has this thing where she always wants to talk to me about something "important" during a cutscene.

This is pretty much the reason I don't play multiplayer games anymore.

Does anyone make those utility clamps? I need something exactly like them for a project I am working on, but I can't find anything remotely suitable.

Often the difference between good code and bad code is the understanding and application of theory.

My nine year old says "God is stupid. People who believe in God are stupid."

I think the developer that really pioneered the community aspect of gaming- perhaps without really knowing it- was Bungie. The Myth community was huge (for the time). The Microsoft buyout ended all of that.

The next logical step would be giant zeppelins that can keep station for weeks without refueling and holding enough armament to completely deny an area for the same amount of time. Like an aircraft carrier.... in the air... oh wait.

May is a good time for the Lost Coast. There's good whale watching from shore. September -October is probably not the best time to get lost in those parts.

Probably the difference between the height of the barge and sea level.

I was interested until the word "Crossover".

Beat me to the punchline!

About 4kg. It comes from Bolivia.

SPNKR. Pronounced 'spanker'. It is a clever acronym that I can't remember off the top of my head, but most people know it as 'The Rocket Launcher'.

In my day we had epic LAN parties with Marathon. I think we invented spawn camping and toe shots.


If you live in an old house with questionable plumbing, this is a godsend.

I was just thinking I need something exactly like this earlier today. Now I don't have to make it myself! Thanks!

They spent years teasing the car? Poor thing might have some self-esteem issues by now.