
This one is my favorite too.

Just an umber hulk and a lich.

This reminds me of the way my friends and I felt about Pigskin. (Arcade. Not the Genesis port)

Giant robot rabbit ears.

It may be possible to substitute fly ash from coal plants for volcanic ash. I don't know for sure. I read it somewhere on the internets.

Black and Decker 20 Volt Li Ion? That will get you a ride time of about 5 minutes if you are lucky.

I didn't realize that Run Run Shaw was involved with the original.

600 mg of N-Acetylcysteine every two drinks. You still get drunk, but it definitely helps.

2CV with the v12.

That was awesome.

Asian treachery beats youth and skill.

This one isn't immediately obvious, but so true. A major game changer.

You should take a gander at the M18 Hellcat. That tank destroyer was definitely lighter, more maneuverable and quicker than any other tank during WWII. It could probably outrun an Abrams.

I'm still waiting for Bungie to make Pimps at Sea for realz.

That requirement was replaced with the dual lifejacket requirement.

We used to live out of the way where there were only two houses on our street and no other neighborhoods in safe walking distance, so yeah, I'd take the kids to the rich neighborhood for trick or treating. We have friends there, so it was cool.

Dunlop 308 stunt tyre with gold spoke rim? Titanium handles? That wheelbarrow is dope!

This should be at the top of the list. Marathon was amazing at the time, and all of them are still entertaining after all these years. These games more than any other made me love games.

Er... no.

It didn't fit with the movie, but on its own I thought it was a really good cut. So much, that I want to know who it is.