
My 3 year old keeps stuffing this stuff into legos. If it were playdoh we would be fucked.

What about that wild intentional walk that got Posey at the plate? INTENTIONAL. Well played!

It doesn't need to be a USB stick. It can be your phone over wifi or bluetooth. You just need to use encryption to prevent brute forcing.

You don't have to believe. I'm not trying to convert you. It would be nice if you could get your facts and ideas straight. If you could come up with an honest definition of Communism and provide a cogent argument about its faults, then you could crow all day about it and I would applaud your effort. But you won't.

I'm really surprised that "First Contact" (STNG) didn't make this list. And not just for the Riker alien sex.

Ignorance is bliss I guess.

You missed Joe's point. China is not a communist country. Neither was the Soviet Union.

Thank you.

I am an angry banana!

I think you might be right. It was cool watching it right when the engine cutoff

What was that buildup of fluid in what I am assuming is between the capsule and the 2nd stage? Looks like something was leaking.

Maybe he's finally figured out that his core business is based on duping stupid people out of public money and that said stupid people are all approaching retirement age. Get out while the gettin's good Larry!

Have you played Bungie's earlier games? Before Halo? There was some story telling there.

I haven't played Destiny, but maybe it is a continuance of the cycle established in Myth: The Fallen Lords. The Leveler comes in the form of the hero that previously defeated him/her in the previous thousand year cycle. Light becomes dark and a new light is found.

I don't think the FCC web site accepted my comment, so I shall post it here for posterity:


How old are you son? Were you even around for the 3DO? It suffered from the price point, yes, but there were some really good games for it. Return Fire was one of the best ever.

No. It means the murderer and the descendant of Kominski shared a common female ancestor. EDIT: I misspelled murderer also.

Looks like a S2000 got knocked up by a Z4. I mean that in a good way.

The techniques and weapons these people are studying reached their zenith with the rapier. The fighting styles were not lost because of guns. By the time guns began to completely replace the sword on the battlefield, the actual methods of sword fighting had already evolved into something roughly similar to modern