It seems that as each year approaches breaking the record as the hottest year on record... more and more insanity seems to grip the Republican Party.
Whoa! Does Climate Change bring about GOP Madness or is GOP Madness driving Climate Change?
It seems that as each year approaches breaking the record as the hottest year on record... more and more insanity seems to grip the Republican Party.
Whoa! Does Climate Change bring about GOP Madness or is GOP Madness driving Climate Change?
Thanks for stopping by to comment Jack.
US Constitution, article 1, section 9: “The privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.”
Bet he’s ashamed to be a member of “The Party of Lincoln”, as so many Republicans insist they are.
“The administration also wants Mexico to agree to hold would-be immigrants while their cases go through American immigration courts.”
Oh, I’d fuck the shit out of Tommi - and if you say otherwise you are an ideologue at best and unable to see your own needs for the parties values.
I used to think it was okay to let these assholes talk and give them enough rope to hang themselves. But then Trump won, proving once and for all that this country consists mostly of stupid people. So now I agree with you that we should not feed the trolls.
In China they call his style, “Loving, Sensitive, White Teddy Bear”
they tryin to catch me prooo abortion
I’d love to hear the connection in your brain between this story, the first paragraph and the second paragraph.
Quinnipiac’s poll of his players noted his behavior fell well outside the margin of error.
Her Hot Takes bring all the boys to the yard.
a stack of player surveys
Don’t think about the FBI investigation into Trump administration’s contacts with Russian officials. Don’t think about the FBI investigation into Trump administration’s contacts with Russian officials. Oh, look at the shiny bauble called: Blame the Democrats! Don’t think about the FBI investigation into Trump…
Nobody needs to open their mouth that wide in the normal act of speaking.
Thats strange because the poll results showed no indication that this was happening.
To borrow from the Colbert Report, Tomi Lahren “doesn’t see race”; the only reason she knows Obama is black is because she is afraid of him.
Who accessorizes books with a MAGA hat? The kind of person who files a wrongful termination suit against someone who hasn’t fired her, and then complains that said employer (who still employs her) won’t let her use her social media.