She reads the teleprompter!
She reads the teleprompter!
You can’t spank a dog now?
flavored lube
You can really only keep the conflict in Syria. We can go into Syria and see what happens, but it’s impossible to stop, so keep the conflict contained.
For sure on the anti-s bud. As of now, i think this depends on the scope of the military action that the administration goes forward with. Honestly, if I were in charge, I’d probably do a Woodrow of FDR and wait for some other nations to call for an intervention. Different landscape these days so this is probably a…
any dumbasses gonna stick up for the blue?
good onez ms. missing words.
All the wimmenz on here are so frightful of big, bad men. It’s hilarious. We don’t want fucking babies anymore than you. Get bent bitches.
when you said scramble the eggs, did you mean whisk??
Buncha pearl clutchers just like the right.
Fuck ODBJ kaint get as many touches as Cole Beasley. Eat shit and shoot yourself in the foot.
You sportist!
Let me get you out of the greys.
End them.
Repeal the 22nd Amendment!
Because no one can find Kellyane Conway.
I wouldn’t hold my breath. Worldwide, we’ve had Brexit, the Philippine president, Colombia voting down the FARC peace deal, and now us. I don’t think he’ll win, but voters this year have not impressed me with their good sense.
I mean, my brain made a rapid series of assumptions about who you were based on the one sentence that you wrote. So I probably should not do that.