Hell no, I’m gonna bust him up with the first available object that can be used as a weapon.
Hell no, I’m gonna bust him up with the first available object that can be used as a weapon.
Idiot savant numero dos!
You’re a big old pussy that is causing the actual pussification of American society. Why don’t you go pick your kid up from fencing practice now?
We are so concerned about his health that we didn’t take him to a doctor when he said his head hurt. We just pushed him into the ring to let him take some shots to the head.
Wouldn’t make a difference.
Metal Rules!!! \^^/
Fox / Nieto!
Typical PC liberal pussification. The regent is probably voting Stein.
In Texas, they want politicians who will allow oil companies to have free reign to purchase and drill on property so that there can be plenty of jobs for roughnecks and salesmen that aren’t necessarily educated, but are paid extremely well.
best schtick on here.
Words mean things, dipshit.
fewl fekkin stawp
I understand that there has been some looting, homeboy.
You: “Let the looting continue!”
Fr3e liquor and tv for da hood!
The violent reactions by protesters probably doesn’t help. All that awareness poor Kap raised - all that justified moral superiority - poof. Gone.
You should probably get your boy outta there before he gets shot.
Don’t be dense.