More like the Divided Methodist Church, amirite?
More like the Divided Methodist Church, amirite?
It’s incredibly disappointing and depressing that so many people have a black and white view of police officers. Just like EVERY OTHER PROFESSION, there are good people and bad people in it. Yes, bad cops have much more authority and autonomy to ruin peoples’ lives, and those people should be removed from the force,…
“Why anyone would date a cop, let alone be attracted to a cop, is unfathomable to me.”
You sound like a bitter cat lady spinster who needs some dick and is pissed off at the younger, prettier, more successful girl down the hall who brings home a new guy every night.
The cop bashing is out of control. I thought that we’re supposed to judge individuals by who they are. There are plenty of people who are police officers to do good in this world. Would you rather we have no cops? What then?
That post about Lana Del Ray may have been the dumbest thing I’ve read on this website ever, and I’ve been well before the Hogan tape. I understand and agree with your criticism of police brutality, but “dating a cop, makes you a cop” is insane. The police system in this country needs to be overhauled, but demonizing…
Something like Live PD shouldnt even be a thing.
Especially if I'm watching a movie with my parents.
Better off just skipping it and the park, and just going to the Troegs brewery up the street.
When someone asks me about my kids, I tell them I have two and their names are Disposable Income and Unlimited Free Time.
Call your dad!
Preach! Same story here, but I took the coward’s way out and hit the bottle.
“If “redhead” is an often-repeated personal branding device for you, then you, in my opinion, are not a redhead, because clearly no one has ever used that term against you while wearing a weird aren’t-I-funny smile on their face”
As someone who was in high school during the time-frame this movie is taking place, I will say this: Best Stan Lee cameo. Ever.
oh yeah, I’d rather my dehydrated and abandoned kids starve to death in an underfunded and understaffed Argentinian hospital instead of getting someone elses milk.
She should feel lucky, six hours is an incredibly short nap for a cat.
He probably had a bunch of trusts. Trusts remain private and you don’t file those documents unless they become subject of litigation. A lot of wealthy people use trusts in lieu of wills to avoid probate and having to make public their finances and who received what.
And may no member of the Trump adminstation ever enjoy a tamale again.
Well according to that gay-hating-bakers court case this is legal to do now.
I never knew that. Maybe that’s why 30 Rock had a subplot in their live episode where Tracy decided that he needed to break character in every single skit in the most annoying and hamfisted ways.