
Also - letting her nap during boring meetings. 

Asshole couldn’t have waited 6 months until after midterms?

My husband is WAY more of a helicopter parent than I will ever be. 

I think it’s a balance. I was a free range kid and I think it taught me independence and self sufficiency. My kids don’t have the same level as freedom, but more than a lot of kids their age. As an example, my 4th grader will walk a half mile to school alone next year. We know all our neighbors and there are crossing

May any tamale they eat be undercooked in a way that makes it gross but does not promote food borne illness, or overcooked in a way that makes it inedible. 

It’s not the same, absolutely, but they still could have used it as a reason to not be kicked out. 

Too bad for them they fought so hard for access to public accommodations for LGBTQ+ community. Some of that might have helped them. Hope they can’t get a cake either. 

I want to know how he ranks above Pratt considering his comments about the Black Widow being a slut.

I want to know how he ranks above Pratt considering his comments about the Black Widow being a slut.

If I’m ever rich I’ve promised that I will find a few working class families and give them some life changing money. I always had this dream growing up that our paycheck to paycheck family would be given like $10,000 and it would have changes our lives. I mean I’d also do things like fund education etc if I was Bezos

I’m asking seriously, and not trying to say this is a solution - but why do people stay there if they can’t afford to live there? I mean I lived in an economically destitute city where I lived my whole life and left because there was no opportunity there. Sure I would have loved to stay near my life long friends and

Did he write the last episode of HIMYM, because if so he deserves to be forgotten.

Lynda Carter is going for Queen of Israel with her Star of David hair clip and crown with Hebrew writing.

I guess Lin Manuel Miranda isn’t a rapper?

I try not to school shame, having gone to a law school that has been in and out of the top 50, but I make an exception for Cooley. I know someone who went there, failed the bar 6 times and now practices law. I would never, ever recommend him to anyone. Ever.

I think as a horror/suspense device it works well. I mean I used to LOVE scary movies until I had kids. I still like them but now I find myself being more emotionally afraid. It’s one thing to fear for your life, a total other to fear for your child’s life. And adding a baby to the mix adds to the suspense and the

I still can not get over how much time I wasted on How I Met your Mother. I enjoyed it up to the last 2 seasons, but I wanted to see the ending. I never could bring myself to watch it once I heard what it was. It was so infuriating that I can’t even bring myself to enjoy the old good episodes anymore.

Until you mess with money. You can screw up a ton as an attorney but doing anything sketchy with money is usually the best way to lose your law license.

It could be, but the process for us would have been more expensive than fertility treatments and then the emotional toll I’ve seen it take on people who thought they were going to be adoptive parents and had it taken away was just too much to consider.

None for me in the 80s or 90s. We had a lot of tornado drills even though we didn’t live in a place where we even god tornadoes, so there’s that.