
Ah comics. putting breasts on skeletons... and everything else!

She better be death, that's all i'm saying.


A couple of things:

Is there anyone who _doesn't_ think the world and it's inhabitants would be better off it we had chopped down a few less trees?

Hey Rob, its Gargantua 2.

It was slander! SLANDER!

This picture is of the first free flight in 1783; thousands turned out to watch. The hot air balloon was piloted by Pilatre de Rozier and the Marquis D'Arlandes. The half-hour flight covered some six miles and reached an altitude of 3,000 ft. The two pioneer aeronauts fed fuel to the burner, and cooly extinguished a…

"After further review, it has been determined that the ball carrier was not facing Mecca at the time of his celebration; therefore the penalty stands."

Wait.... why do you think this is CG? Looks like a steadicam shot of the full-sized prop (that you've already run photos of) to me...

...I absolutely refuse to fact-check that. My world is more interesting with it being plausibly true.

No, they don't. This is a crater created by a relatively small meteorite...an asteroid impact would look like this except an awful lot bigger.

Absolutely. SWAT should be reserved for active shooter/barricaded armed and dangerous suspects/hostage situations. Think Columbine, Sandy Hook, the McDonald's Massacre (to cite one close to home for me).


*Dancing groot.gif*

*Dancing baby.gif*

Philip J. Fry may be his own grandfather, but David Lister is, as explained in Ouroboros, his own father.

Your bold, italicized words are impressive, but I think you may have failed to actually read this article.