I too hold hands with my guy friend in the bath naked and tell him I love him, NO HOMO RIGHT
I too hold hands with my guy friend in the bath naked and tell him I love him, NO HOMO RIGHT
One theory (of many) is that EA is just prolonging the inevitable long enough to avoid a massive refund scenario. Basically starving the game and it’s player base (while appearing to keep it alive) until it can end with a whimper instead of a bang.
The machine apparently works fine now, though CSUEB music students can’t get high off it anymore.
“The real wall was the friends we made along they way.”
The Devs dropped a hint on Reddit yesterday that this fix is coming in the free update.
Don’t like the way management works, leave. It really is that simple. Just go work somewhere else. It isn’t nearly as industry wide as this site like to perceive.
That fan redesign actually looks better than any sonic within the past decade IMO.
yeah, he kind of fit the idea of what a “hero” would be in the martin world. solid, forced to make hard choices, but ultimately motivated by a solid core idea that was unwavering. unlike the others who let their various personality flaws make them vulnerable. In a lawless world, he was the core lawful neutral.
Would you like to invest in my cure for AIDS? I can’t tell you what the end result is going to look like but I have this mockup made from a box of Syringes and a bottle of Clorox. It kills the HIV virus very effectively. It isn’t viable for human use yet due to some side effects but I’m working to significantly lower…
“See! A lonely man with pre-game jitters paying for a hand job isn’t so bad after all, is it?”
He’s my favorite lesbian in the Senate.
“We’re sick of all these books about straight, white men! There needs to be more diversity!”
That’s kinda... morally wrong. This guy sounds like he’s kind of a jerk. Seriously, who just does that? In any industry?
Love this point!
At this point they could re-cast Rickon and I wouldn’t notice. Would he be like 14 by now?
I think that Stannis is going to get out of getting executed by Brienne by taking the black.
It was also glaringly obvious which direction she was swinging her sword, and at what angle. It was a bizarre and uncomfortable looking angle, and with the previous shot that showed stannis leaning on the left side of the tree. Her swing looked like it would perfectly strike the tree, coming close to cutting him, but…
Also, he probably convinced the mercenaries to desert and join the Boltan’s army, hence why they had so many mounted units (the mercenaries took all Stannis’ horses).