
Well the first part isn’t true, but the second part is. Zelenskyy wasn’t a Nazi; he was an incompetent comedian who’s career was paid for and his entire political party sponsored by Ukrainian oligarch Igor Kolomoisky. Zelenskyy couldn’t get control of the volunteer militias(who overwhelmingly ARE Nazis, or at the

The problem is that most of these systems are built around forcing people to comply by making the system so bad they have no choice but to do things like take the bus. For example - carpool lanes. They don’t work at all because they were never about helping the environment - it was about rewarding people for sharing

Weather Balloon*, stop calling it a “Spy” Balloon. For Pete’s sake, you’re only reenforcing their argument https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2023-02-03/china-investigating-spy-balloon-reports-us#:~:text=The%20Chinese%20government%20said%20the,planned%20course%E2%80%9D%20because%20of%20winds.

The problem is that for EVs, going up and down hills and mountains is a lot more strain than ice vehicles merely due to the weight of the batteries. I believe your estimates, but at the same time, the conservative estimate of ~$11 seems very probable for others in more rural or surrounding cities that have to commute

Is just getting easier and easier to make fun of these people;

Honestly, this has never been about the low rider Hispanics(literally sjpd has commented they were never actually ticketing Hispanic groups); cruising laws were to deal with cruisers looking for prostitutes.

It’s a terrible US Agent costume*. It would be one thing if John Walker was in Cap’s old suit, but come on, you know you’re going to love hating him saving the day.

Or, you know, they’re just obstructing it for the sake of just obstructing it for the sake of being assholes. Sure, I bet there’s one hawiian dude out there that legit thinks a volcano is sentient being, but for everyone else, we all know they’re just doing this to attempt to show that they hold some authority. In all

Nvidia’s still working on improving the Tegra X1's power efficiency. While the Lite is losing its ability to connect to a TV and be more like a console(it will still have the Joy controllers though), speculation is that they still want to keep the Pro mobile, as after the flop of the Wii U, Nintendo probably is still

lol well judging that most automatons purpose is to replace manual laborers, no, management won’t go away, their jobs will just change from commanding people what to do into writing commands for automatons to follow, however, they’ll still just get IT to do it for them(since we all know IT has terrible communication

That’s easy - he’s garbage cause he’s 1)over blowing the impacts of automation, while 2) pandering to a lazy and stupid populace that never really applied themselves in school or work[shocking right that the people who failed pre-calc can’t find good jobs but had great memories of getting high at high school] as 3)

That’s not really true, you’ve just become more complacent with consumer society lingo and undervaluing real affection while overvaluing compulsive desire, ie, I love coke/new york/dog/insert band name here - that “love” has no real meaning anymore and is only just another form of bragging. Most of what you described

I love reading about people talking about the topic of truly game-changing animes, and then they drop the name of a f*cking pedantic ass anime that is basically so Japanese, it’s cliche and not game-changing. I mean High School of the Dead was shallow and pedantic, but it was soooo cliche and over the top that it was

lol that’s pretty ambiguous, which one? cause it’s almost like you bashed on gundam and evangelion, and then hastily googled for any other mecha anime that possibly existed. I mean there’s Blue Seed, there’s Outlaw Stars, there’s Escaflowne(which I’m more surprised you didn’t name drop as a more down to earth version

Meh, don’t care. Not buying anymore Bethesda games(I mean, Rage was just flat out dumb, doom is basically murder porn for school shooter wanna be’s, and wolfenstien...just why? hahah who seriously even buys Wolfenstien anymore?) FO76 showed just how bad Bethesda has become, how quality and consistency don’t matter when

lol this is seriously not the same thing, and these guys really don’t deserve the bragging rights. Let’s look at Borderlands 2 - development started in August of 2011, it was released on August 20th of 2012, but their port wasn’t even released till 2014, meaning while Iron Galaxy had nearly two years to just port it,

Nope, representation is clearly not good enough, clearly, MCU needs to go full blown gay sex scenes, unnecessary amounts of teen drama about how adult they are, elaborate choreographed dance scenes, and the avengers stopping during a world crisis to inform some passer by that they incorrectly assumed the alien were

lol first off, Boba Fett is still quite alive(he escapes the sarlak pit in Tales of Jabba’s Palace). Second, Mandalorians were a type of warrior humans who terrorized world’s for centuries, who’s armor would later become the basis for the empire’s storm troopers, mainly, cause Jango Fett would betray the Mandalorians

Better analogy - EA is basically trying to say their water pipe(surprise mechanics) aren’t the same as a bong(loot boxes), and that any responsible adult should obviously know not to call the water pipes that EA sells as a bong. But if you were to ask any responsible adult if there’s any real difference between a bong

....Am I like the only one that can construct a sensible ranger? Reading through comments, it just seems like most people didn’t think about the game/character they were playing, so they picked dumb feats like favored enemy dragon or desert, which is basically either useless or under utilizing the feature(why you