
I think this is what people are saying is Beta Ray Bill, slumped read cape from behind.

"The fact that they're in a wilderness area that's on fire?"

The same can be said about most sites that aggregate random bits of news.

You think Gawker media sites are legitimate news site?

I have no idea. I hadn't really done anything, I hopped on my sparrow, crashed, and oh hey, level eight!

Bull Shit. America should have kept it's nose out of Eastern Europe's business to begin with.

Who the fuck cares who did it? How about people look at the underlying issue here, and that's that if America hadn't overstepped their boundaries and pushed their way into Ukraine, then the situation wouldn't have escalated to such a point anyways. Russia was ready for peaceful talks with Ukraine before America butt

And...why would Iran, which has never started a war, launch ICBMs at the United States? Answering that, and assessing its likelihood or unlikelihood also seems slightly important, if billions are going to be spent thwarting such a "threat".

Between this and DAWNs Ceres arrival there'll be plenty of fun stuff going on.

I don't know about the other subjects, but the old guy (whom Duchenne called un viellard) was specifically chosen because he'd lost the sensation of pain in his face. That way, his own personal grimace didn't interfere with the specific grimace Duchenne was trying to create.

Now playing

"Europart Report" or "Clumsy astronauts making poor choices all the time"

Fuck yes. BEST DAMN CHARACTER of Book 5.

Also, Euron, the fucked up Jack Sparrow of Westeros, and the only cool Greyjoy

Now I know he is in ADWD but it be nice to see him introduced.

Are you sure? I have a lovely chianti and some fava beans...

Wow. I'm in the UK and the propaganda here is pretty one sided but jeez they must be pumping some bile into wherever you are. This is about IMF, World Bank losing control of BRIC and nothing more. Fascist Theocracy? Have you even looked at the insane teach the controversy bullshit in the states? Kiev is being run by

This is basically my recipe for astronaut puree. It's a clever Russian plot to make NASA develop a launch system that's even less successful than the Ares/Constellation program.

Sadly, equipment lifetime is another reason it's impractical. Solar panels on the ground have operating lifetimes of maybe ~20-40 years, and they can't meaningfully be repaired; the damage is at the molecular level, as the semiconductor p-n junctions get blasted. The orbital environment is more hostile to

I read the entire thing. There isn't a dollar sign or yen mark anywhere in it.