
Yeah, it's a bit sigh-worthy. Still, at least NASA is morally supportive, giving access to the volunteer team. I suspect a big part of the odds of success are going to come down to finding just the right bits of information in time to pull it all together, so giving access to archives and telling their retired

Pluto may even have thermal features...perhaps springs of liquid oxygen.

I have these Eva stamps. They're nice.

I'm good with this. I just hope this ties to Ultron... somehow.

Is it possible for you to make a comment without being racist?



I hope they come up with a good explanation for why the Justice League of a thousand years from now consists entirely of people badly cosplaying as heroes from the 21st century.

Now playing

Luckily the SUICIDE SQUAD will come to rescue m.....oh.

Hey, these guys made crucifixion less painful than it is described.

And with that, China takes the lead in space exploration. In 20 years they will be the world's new superpower, replacing the US.

Now playing

Col. Gentleman's List of Toys He Wishes He Had When He Was A Lad.

Ah yes. Evangelion. The good thing about the movies is that they're not meant to replace the TV ending altogether. They're meant to supplement the TV ending.

I'm genuinely surprised these were never made: