
It's hands-down my favourite book of all time. My brother bought it for my 13th birthday, and I've read it at least once every year since then (I'm 23 now, so at the very least 10 times, haha). A couple years ago, my friend bought me Year of the Flood for Christmas, which was quite a surprise, because I didn't even

Sweet fucking Buddha.

And then there's Detroit.

Oh. Oooooohh. Sorry, I get it now. Thanks for the translation, much appreciated. :)

I think up next Michael Bay apologizes for the gratuitous use of explosions in all his films.

It also didn't help that she came into the show way too late, unlike 7 of 9 who came during the middle of Voyager. I also really liked Jadzia and whenever I watch DS9 and get to the seventh season I'm just like "nope".


This isn't just done in China, it's done the world over. It's one of the perils of "publish or perish", which is why we see some odd(er) things coming out of higher education even in the West.

Imma leave this here...

One of my favorites . . . San Francisco's Sutro Baths. As they were:

If it is it's also related to this guy here. Who those other two animals above are also clearly related to.


I apologize in advance...

put an orange beanie on top and it'll rap about baking cakes.

Me at work: