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What I said earlier about accidental discoveries must have been wrong!

Sony Walkman?

Look through your parents old Lp's and listen to this gem. And if you feel the need to experiment take some advice from what Roger Sterling had to do.

Please, Vin Diesel being robotic is perfect. Proof: Iron Giant.

Most Excellent

I read the title of this article and this is all I thought:

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About time they had some eye protection...

"But how will I protect myself from hostile Martians?"

"Here, take my +1 mace!"

"Eternity with nerds? It's the Pasadena Star Trek Convention all over again."

You're welcome, NASA.

At McMurdo Station, the 1983 winter crew created costumes, learned lines and acted out scenes from the movie “Escape From New York.”

Filing lawsuits on behalf of non-human animals and - presumably - collecting the judgements in their favor... nope, no way this could be abused. I'm looking forward to it. Lawyers aren't rich enough yet, they need to be able to say "my monkey client insists he's being treated badly, and we're asking for ten million

"According to most experts, the best and safest way is to get it on the fourth finger (ring finger) of your non-dominant hand. The idea is that, if something should go wrong, it’s your least useful finger."

I dont care what anyone says, Brutalism is beautiful. Also this:

If your going in a group, do every hawkeye. Its a cosplay that not only excels as a group but works individually and can be used in other groups!

Once again, Russel Crowe does anything he can to get more screen time.

Why do I keep seeing a certain Simpsons episode.

Why don't you researchers have a seat over there...

For a second I thought it was Rosie