
What? No Persian Empire? This is it at it's height around 500 BCE:

Biotechnology can hold a lot of promise for humanity, but for every Julian Bashir...

I agree. We are taking something so vital to our existence, food and the biosphere, and changing them radically within a relatively short time and without research done over time. Things in nature change over time, and without understanding the long term impact GMOs have on us and our environment we are playing with

And just tell me HOW are the aliens supposed to get our messages, Dakar Rally, if you erase them? HMMMM? DO YOU KNOW HOW EXPENSIVE THESE LONG-DISTANCE CALLS ARE???

I love that the article about destroying the Spanish has the Eiffel Tower in the picture. Ha! Take that Spain! We not only defeated you, we also misrepresented your country! U-S-A! U-S-A!

my initial thoughts too!

"this generic archetype looks just like this other generic archetype"

My first thought too...actually why I clicked the link...now I'll have to read to see what's up.

A little careful cropping (no internal editing) and we have this...

This is how it starts...with the 'oooh' and the 'aaahh'...

I'm sorry everyone, but...the fuck :S

I'm just going to leave this here...


Two questions: