
ugh, you realize Rangers get hunters mark at lvl 2, can get colossus slayer at level 3, get an extra attack at level 5, and a favored enemy at level 6, right? The ranger class doesn’t need any more loving, players like that just need to learn how to read and not suck at dnd.

Now playing

Except these quotes weren’t taken by Gita, you plagiarizing talent-less hack, this is almost entirely from Yahtzee Cromshaw’s E3 video, yet, there’s zero credit!  

Now playing

“I mean, in interviews, the question of ‘where does this come from?’ comes up,” he said. “I tell them, this is Brenda’s design, she is lead game designer, she’s wanted to make this game for 20 years. All her experience on Wizardry 8and working on Jagged Alliance, playing Civ for decades, playing X-Com—she wanted to

Girlfriend and I talked about this - we want to play as both characters, and have co-op. We would be a very very happy couple if they actually did that.

So if it was just a ‘man’ in a speedo with a boner, would you still care? Also, I’d really like an example of how one could “lampoon corporate sexualization of bodies” without actually sexualizing it? I thought it was a good play on lampooning said corporate sexualization cause it shows a future where in about 40+

Well duh, if you took a heroine addict and presented them with a choice of either pot or heroine, *surprise* they’ll pick the heroine. That’s just how their brain is literally wired now. Cannabis can’t really help with withdrawal, except minor relief of nausea, however, post-withdrawals, yes, cannabis can work as a

....Like a weird mix between postman pat and the isle of misfit toys? Cause it looks kind of garbage, but hey, if you kids are into it... 

Two players can connect their switches together and fight side by side as Link and Zelda - just kidding, it’ll be single player 

Oh hey whiny, unpopular opinion that some how got bumped to the top of the thread - could you just shut up and let us enjoy this? We might finally see a multiplayer Zelda game for us couples that consists of more than a flying hat and a greasy Italian guy.

Meh, don’t care. Bethesda’s a garbage company releasing dysfunctional trash constantly. 

Lulz well if he was already a CIA informant, what’s to say that none of this was real and that Nam is chilling in a witness relocation house in South Dakota? Both women claim some outside party told them to smear the chemicals as a sort of candid camera plot, what if the chemicals they used were just some sort of

Can you boo at E3? 

Can you boo at E3? It just seems biased that all these garbage Bethesda games get premiered to fake crowds. Like DeathLoop - that sh!t looks terrible, like Bethesda looked at the racial diversity of their development team and based the games main character on whatever race their deve team was lacking. And Doom eternal

K, after being hyper-hyped by bethesda, and consequently, broken by bethesda’s garbage of a sequel that turned out to be a prequel, this crap don’t work anymore to excite gamers - is it a sequel, or is it just a garbage spin off with the branding rights? If it’s just a garbage spin off, tone it down a bit, Larian, us

lol you missed “the golden state” - California. You also comically seem confused that California is part of the “pacific north-west”, while neglecting to put Idaho and Montana on that list. Long story short, this article is garbage and clearly just written for the editor to get a pay check for the week.   

Lol that’s a nice unpopular opinion you have there, be a shame if you made some sweeping opinions on topics you have no basis to comment on, while showing off how much bad taste in computer games you have

Easy - Less teen romance, less over-sexualization, and no “coming of age” tale about white kids who are “different”, instead, more gritty reality of death, discrimination and despair by showing that the x men aren’t immaculate nor can they always relate to all mutants. Also, killing off Jennifer Lawrences character

K, you realize that coal plant is in the middle of no where, and solar wouldn’t be cost effective in sending the power hundreds if not thousands of miles, so maybe you meant geothermal energy?
Second, if US citizens really want to help tribes, they’re either going to have to recognize reservations as independent

lol you protested a losing genocidal war, you screwed up nuclear energy cause you wouldn’t properly fund it so disasters happened, and since racism still obviously exists, you didn’t stand with anyone much like you don’t stand with anyone now. The bigger problem appears how out of touch boomers are with each other!

You know what’s a whole lot more efficient at inputting data and managing other computers than an error prone human who requires income and can only work a specified number of hours? A robot. Sure, there’s still a job for you running cables in a cramped stuffy server room, but don’t kid yourself. Also, hi, who’s going