
That’s not really true at all because you’re implying the post-luddite embrace of total technological immersion into society/civilization is somehow similar to the industrial revolution which merely replaced the need for manual laborers such as horses and slaves. You’re overlooking both the under-skilled and the labori

Basically, Americans aren’t buying Bethesda garbage games anymore, so they transitioned to a country that doesn’t allow freedom of speech nor will they let westerners play it so no one can critique it and the copious amounts of bugs it has. I am absolutely done with Bethesda/Zeno Max’s crap and I am excitedly waiting

Easy - Because they don’t care. It’s like an abusive relationship where everyone says “why don’t you just leave”? “Oh well, you don’t know them like I do” or “they have their moments, but they’re getting better”, but to anyone that’s ever actually been in that situation, you know the reality is that nothing is going

So as someone that’s played MGS 1 all the way through MGSV:TTP, Imma just stop you there - MGS is not that difficult to follow, unless you’re just slow and r worded - and yes, I meant Raiden, who is, by far, the most retarded character ever. But Death Stranding on the other hand, regardless of story, just looks bland,

Well I’ll say it - this looks over-hyped and bland. Sure, maybe this excited the boxers of Kojima fans some four-five years ago, but DS seems like it missed the big “open world sand box” boat every other game designer has already sh@t in, and all DS has to offer is a in game usable ladder and repel system, which

lol um, wake up call to you - regardless of governance, there is literally zero anyone can do to prevent the behavior sink that humans are stuck in and the releasing of mass quantities of green house causing gases. While Malthusian logic over the past century or two has occasionally crashed into the brick wall that is

Where there are well-off white people Intelligent people that don’t want to contract medieval diseases due to the fleas they carry, there are complaints about rats.

That’s more than a lab technician or a machine operator working with Silicon makes per hour. The problem is equality has become this concept that if you never tried or applied yourself, oddly, you should be making the equal and same amount as people who did apply themselves and do. 

Well that’s easy to explain; His only biological “son” was a psychotic genocidal clone, while his only “real” son was an android that sacrificed himself to save Picard. Or was I the only one that actually watched(and enjoyed) Nemesis?

Lol this feels spot on for a James Cameron movie - out of touch and boring as hell. There’s nothing complex, just a bunch of bang bang bang bang bang and a guy who’s face grows back every time. Even the plot tease is boring - no s*t, the blonde short haired chick is probably a robot, literally no one is going to be

um or you could just condemn the town and close it to the public? They did it with Centralia 

Here’s a crazy idea - instead of shipping nuclear waste hundreds, if not thousands of miles west, why don’t we condemn the entire town and turn it into a nuclear waste depository? These medical issues will only continue since it’s already contaminated, so why not just turn Piketon into the first city in the 21st

Probably. Companies like Bethesda desperately need people to buy their garbage patched games, so at least with the speed runners, they get free publicity and their inferior products name out there.
Next noob question; Why didn’t they just take all the vehicles they wasted time and money making for Beige 2, and just

No one cares about this retconned piece of flaming garbage. I put in my “76 hours” and I’ll tell you now, don’t freaking bother, and just get Sea Of Thieves instead. Bethesda jumped the shark(for pete sake, they seemed to put more effort into Rage 2 which is even MORE garbage[it’s garbage²]) and now rather than having

Yeah, FO76 feels like its on its last burner. I waited on good faith that they’d at least bang out the bugs/glitches(which they sort of accomplished) but I quit cause I found it outrageous they had the gall to steal 10% of users income from vending machines. It just feels like a waste of time and that Bethesda just

Good lord that sounds boring af. I’m glad I got out and started playing Sea of Thieves instead. Sure, SoT has its downtime when going on long adventures sailing across the whole map, but at least the three other players you get to mingle with, play music, and sink any scalawags that dare to lay fingers on my booty.

Basically, garbage game is such garbage it’s more financially profitable if people just steal the game 

So basically, it’s just gore-porn for neck beards. 

So basically it’s a typical Bethesda game - absolute garbage that occasionally has some part that’s not fully rotten, yet, still falls apart before you get to enjoy it. Instead of just focusing on FO 76 and putting all these new mechanics like cars into the game play, they did the stupid thing and made as many sh!tty

yeah, cause you’re salary lol otherwise, if you’re an hourly wage slave, stop being a moronic sheep and sue for ot