
“We had them in college when I played sports”
LOL’d, that’s cute, he thinks he’s people. so in the real, adult world, you can tell managers “Nope, I’m not coming in” like I just did since I already have a hotel and concert tickets booked, which they say “well when are you going to get those mems devices going to get don

duh, there’s more millennial’s than boomer’s, if they all actually voted, they’ed swing the elections, so by disenfranchising them, they don’t vote. Granted, I’d say there’s as many stupid/naive millennial’s as there are boomer’s, but it would be nice to see millennial’s finally wrestle control away from the boomer’s

Um... he’s a vet...they think they’re god’s gift to the world and are completely unquestionable. Why do you think we have a bunch of retarded old white men that basically rant about nonsense, all the while, their younger generations still listen to them? It ain’t filial pity, I’ll tell you that. 

I thought he was great. I found his ‘dishearten’ attitude to be more fitting - a man who only need burn his daughter on the stake and he’ll be king, only to realize it was all lies. 

Ugh, why shouldn’t they just quit? LoL is a terribly outdated, piece of garbage of a game for the same morons that thought XFL was the future. No ones holding a gun up against their head, and if they really aren’t happy, then quitting is the best for both parties. Besides, if they find new jobs that pay well, they’ll

The clickbait is strong with this one. It’s one thing to critique her about her bad voice over job, it’s another to be critical of her for thinking that post op trannies shouldn’t be allowed to fight in women matches. It’s almost like you’re man-splaining....

This is like when they banned smoking around downtown san jose(you had to be 20 feet from a building which put you in the middle of the street), no citizens voted on it, and none of the cops enforce it, well, except for the racist sjpd who need an excuse, that’s usually when these laws come into play. San Jose’s local

Sounds like Kotaku is putting the protest before the riot(no pun intended). Sure, maybe the media likes to portray active walkouts as though they’re acceptable practice(for kids in high school), but in the real world, that’s a good way of getting yourself fired, and, black listed. 

Well yeah, of course they support nat gas, cause these EV’s are so heavy they produce a bunch more brake dust than ICE do, while the low emissions and low weight make nat gas ideal. Sure, ICE vehicles will produce more green house gases in the long run, but excessive brake dust caused by EV’s will produce more lung

Psh, what you think a bunch of nerds are going to pay money to a third party that pays us a license fee in order to host their beloved outdated games on a private server? I mean what kind of nerd would willingly pay $15-50 dollars a month just to revisit their childhood nostalgia?” - every out of touch marketing

ugh, or they realize that slavery was started by Africans, not Europeans, since a) it was a common African tribal practice to enslave people for their labor due to most tribes having no use for material goods like gold, and b) Europeans were susceptible to malaria and many many diseases, so other than coastal cities

Christ, this is painfully not funny. For SNL’s sake, I hope this guy never gets allowed to write for them, cause it’ll make a show that’s already bad, somehow f*ing worse. 

lol that’s not even how it works. You get loot to build more things at your camp, more things specifically like guns and armor, so that you can then scrap them, get better mods for those weapons, and then build bigger, better weapons/armor. It’s just other games have you spoiled the number crunchers into thinking that

*gasp* oh no, free loot at the expense of other players, I’m so bummed and upset - said no real fallout 76 player.

See, it’s asshats like you that ruined the “feed the people” event where it gave everyone on the server free food items, cause “wahhhh other players didn’t actually do the quest wahhhhh”.

Oh take the shame train elsewhere, not-a-player. What I don’t understand is this “endgame” crap you all keep implying, as though the game, which is an MMORPG, has an “end” to it. It’s kind of laughable that speed running has led to a group of gamers that cram the entire experience into as short of a period as possible

“Edibles are generally better for avoiding a bad high”

^this author doesn’t know sh!t about what they’re talking about. Edibles are a 100% way of getting a bad high, especially if you’re a newb. Long wait times and uneven doses is a combination for someone taking too much and losing their sh!t. 

He purposely faked a hate crime to gain popularity...I mean if this doesn’t show how corrupt Chicago is, I don’t know what does. The fact that no one is doing anything just goes to show the corruption is so deep and widespread, that basically, every politician in Chicago should be banned from politics for 8 years and

Meh, just feels like a lot of the same old star wars tropes - good guys lose, good guys struggle to find the meaning of kindness, good guys realize it was inside them all along, good guys kills all the bad guys without any moral dilemma, the end. 

lol so this happens all the time, especially on silicon masks. From Otters to dragons, from volcanoes to pterodactlyes, from swastikas to four leaf clovers, there’s a lot of ASIC designers that, well, dick around, and other than when it’s taped out and sent to a manufacturer for production, usually no one sees it