
Apparently just be another annoying ass person that makes dumb politic posts about game of thrones to Splinter, when this should clearly be posted to AV club....Also, lulz you just sound like part of the cringe rad left that actually thinks AOC is a competent politician, instead of, well, a moron who’s never as much

F* the whiners and their shame train for trying to ruin this game. As someone that works long hours at a hard job that pays well, that actually enjoys FO76 and doesn’t mind paying Bethesda extra, I don’t mind this, especially since the same shamers are the dicks going around, bombing people’s camps, so the fact this

Meh, this article feels so typical and bland. Tactics wasn’t a spin-off or dlc, and was far better and FAR harder than FO1&2. You learn the brutal reality that the Brotherhood won their battles by Crucifixion and fear, and that most of all, the BOS should never be trusted, or else their tyranny would spread across the

oooooo now it makes sense why she sounds like a complete idiot pandering to the rich white people who are the only people who can afford EV cars and solar panels - cause AOC is a complete idiot who’s taken pointers from all the wrong “progressives” who, quite frankly, don’t care about environment, they just care about

lulz that looks so freaking terrible. Who’s idea was it to use people pressing on vinyl walls, cause that’s not scary in the 21st century, it’s just dumb and cliche. I thought Disney would have taken away Fox’s Marvel privileges by now, cause that 1) doesn’t look scary, 2) doesn’t look interesting, and 3) doesn’t set

So does this mean the end of loot boxes? Are we finally free from financial transactions bogging down central gameplay? Will quality content and plot finally be the focus, rather than sandbox worlds that go no where?

Probably not 

*gasp* it’s almost like the staff at Bethesda don’t know what they’re doing, and are just relying on making references to other brands and media in order to make up for their lack of creative input. What’s sad though, was this is all stuff Fallout 4 already introduced, so the fact they’re cutting up F4, and serving

Damn, Bethesda must have paid well to get this long of a BS article. Shame you’re shilling though for such a crappy game 

Not really, areas are dependent on being certain levels otherwise you’ll just keep dying and having to trek all the way back to get your junk. On top of that, there’s really nothing special; one areas a swamp, another is a nuked wasteland, and the other one is a heavily mined region. They get pretty old and there’s

*one pokemon fan really hopes scorbunny has no offensive abilities. There, OP, I fixed your clickbait 

....is everyone at Bethesda just high or something? Those are garbage stats not even worth the time. I seriously was so bored I picked up Metal Gear Solid V - the phantom pain, and holy crap, that’s an amazing game. But now I have to think about the garbage fire that is Fallout 76, and boy o boy, is Bethesda burning

They can’t even spell “too” properly... also, who tips fast food workers? 

You bet your sweet glitchy bum flaps that it’s a no! Mainly cause people already broke into the vaults!! Also, I’m just going to spoil it - the vault raid is based around a vault that had missionaries as their dwellers. Long story short, they felt bad for the people outside, so they decided to go outside to help them,

lol what a f*ing moron. He deserved the anticipointment

Booooorrrrrriiiiiinnnnnggggggg. Half this crap should have been included from the beginning, and the rest of this incredibly stupid “let’s go find all the characters from the Monster Mash” is getting f*ing dumb. NO ONE CARES ABOUT VIRGINIAN URBAN LEGENDS, THAT IS NOT A SELLING POINT, AND THE VAULTS(which people have

LULZ is that it? What do you manufacture tractors? You should get into the silicon industry my friend.

That’s adorable, how’s that existential fight against “the man” going? And have you moved out of your parents basement yet? Also, those weren’t warehouse jobs, those were middle class occupations in sales, information, and business, which hurts millennial’s trying to start families and buy homes, all the while, your

lol nice try, io9, but all the shilling in the world won’t fix the fact that she looks like someone soldered on googly eyes. Difference between you and me, I didn’t get paid to write this, nor did I get to watch Alita for free, so obviously my opinion is going to be a little bit more...honest. What’s worse is even if

lol you know what’s the best part of reading these kinds of arguments about how unfair amazon and taxes are? All along, since Amazon first started, CUSTOMERS, not Amazon, but CUSTOMERS were supposed to keep track of their online purchases and then pay their state the taxes that were due. Amazon was originally just a

lol I’m entertained by this as you don’t actually prove me wrong about anything, you just use a bunch of fallacies about “the rich” and allude to women getting their genitals stuck in their zippers. And if anything, your irrational anger just kind of proves me right, as you’re projecting, in which you wouldn’t have