
Not sure why studios like Bethesda and Blizzard are so “shocked” by fans calling their newest babies ugly - these studios dumbed down their games by stupefying the mechanics for cellphones and console peasants, while ruining the plot and storyline by making every quest into a tedious task of “go here, do this, listen

...it’s f*cking Bethesda, what did you people expect? Bethesda has somehow revived the word “anticipointment”, taking pages from Star War’s Phantom Menace by not only making Fallout 76 a prequel, but retconning the entire lore in a way that most die hard fans are just saying “no thank you”

What freaking garbage. While Red Dead Redemption 2 has its entertaining bugs and glitches, at least it doesn’t delete itself.

OOOO stop complaining, most of these scripted events truly make the game better. I tried to ask a man if he needed help with his horse. He kindly turned and said thank you kindly....and then was killed by the horse kicking him in the head due to me distracting him. I got $2 bucks from looting him and a bunch of inner

lol ooo rich, bored, white people...

Is it me, or does it seem like you didn’t have fun? Your review just sounds like this was a chore/job, like it was something you had to do, rather than something you wanted to. 

What a f*cking nonsense, knee-jerk, click bait article. You’re gate keeping what it is to be “black” so badly that this article is more racist by saying who can and can’t portray African Americans than Dwayne Johnson, a man of colour, portraying a fictitious black man.

“Fields of corn stretch over windswept meadows”
....wait a minute...corn didn’t arrive in Europe until after Columbus sailed to the America’s....How’d they get corn pre-Columbian exchange? 

Happy indigenous-day, btw. 

I don’t think we should make this about race, otherwise people are going to bring up “well why is it that Black Americans are so against Kavanaugh, but supported OJ?”

I think it’s more important to realize that nobody really gets polled(except old people who still have landlines who, quite frankly, are the last people

....what kind of free loading, commie nonsense is that? No, he doesn’t deserve anything more than his own stupidity created, as “throwing him a bone” takes away funds from Cyberpunk 2077! Buyers remorse by a moron who didn’t even have faith in his own work’s success isn’t justification for ruining the funding for a

Found his lawyer 

I got $5 bucks that says this has nothing to do with the author’s buyers remorse, and everything to do with stripping CDPR of money so they can’t continue production of Cyberpunk 2077, which is going to ruin sales for crappy games like Falling asleep 76 and Ass ass ins boring.

“This outrages me that there’s no diversification!”
*Rowling edits book to be more inclusive*
“This outrages me that they changed the canon!”
*Rowling edits books to be more inclusive but maintain the canon*
“This outrages me that there’s no Nazi’s or Jews!”
*Rowling edits books to be more inclusive, maintain canon, and

When you’re trying to decompose a body, but you end up just making human ceviche  

So do you get penalties for killing civilians, or is it like real life drone warfare where you bomb a wedding and everyone just pretends like it didn’t happen

TL;DR people are assholes, closure isn’t real, stop asking dating advice from the internet, and get your fat ass off your computer and go meet real people. There, problem solved

Cause if we accept that Pluto is a planet(it’s not, Pluto-Charon system is a complex planetary system that no other non-gaseous planet shares similarities with), if we just stupidly conform Pluto to be just like every other planet, then Ceres, Eris, Haumea, Makemake, and Sedna are also “planets”.

They pinched it from “Superior Spider man”, when otto octavius is peter parker, and otto, i mean, peter builds a city wide monitoring system...and then hires a bunch of spider patrol henchmen, in true villain...I mean...hero manner, to do the job for him.

My father has a saying for this,
“Stupid people don’t know when they’re being stupid”

They used to have “swag bucks” at whole foods, called them cool beans. Basically, the management get to hand them out when customers left positive feedback, but since management is the one that controls the locked comment box, all they’d do was cross out the name and put their own, and then just pocket the points for