
to be fair, feminism was never really about “equality” of the sexes - it was about women having the right to abuse power like their male counter parts. Enslaving people, be it physical or financial, even if you were once enslaved isn’t “equality”. If we truly wanted “equality”, then American men, women, and those who

it was a slow day for Jezebel. That or y’all are desperately trying to avoid Asia Argento’s double standards on rape like it’s the plague....

Or Asia Argento is just a rapist, who’s manipulative nature led Bourdain to off himself.

LOL yeah, no, most older gamers are sick of this multiplayer stranglehold. And once everyone figures out that all you’re supposed to do is nuke the dragon’s lair, then go kill a super irradiated dragon and then that’s it, everyone is going to realize how much garbage this game was.

What’s even dumber though is the

Yeah, no, Beth ain’t going to listen to anyone and won’t learn shiite. Want proof? Go on the Creation Club website. There are people that are just begging for simple add-on’s like a functional fishing rod, or a boat, or more farm based mods - instead, we got more skins for guns.... 

Of course it’s going to fail. You want to know what the main plot line is? You’re supposed to be preventing a bunch of dragons from taking over the world*seriously[lazy twats just copied and pasted in fracking skyrim]*, so you’re supposed to nuke the dragons lair. That’s it. After everyone from PUBG and Destiny 2 do

Jesus, Todd Howard flip-flops more than John Kerry.
E3: “There’s no servers!”
Now: “....There’s private servers”

Hopefully Todd Flopard will just bite the bullet and release a “SURVIVAL ‘single player’ EDITION!”- seriously, no npc’s, no quests, nothing - just surviving and dying, basically returning to it’s Minecraft

Cause zionism, duh.

or maybe people could start rioting and overthrow his regime by a coup....what....democracy doesn’t work

Apparently the HSV-2 that was rented out didn’t fair so well...

lol take that, you fing turn coat democrats, you scum seem to float to the top with your crap ideas, in which you pay lip service to Sanders in order to make people think we have anything in common with health care and education, but then throw society under the bus by supporting a warmonger Clinton who’ll do nothing

I love arguments like this in which you’re going to demand a Japanese Actress yet, you’re still going to expect her to be speaking English, cause, you know, it “would totally make it a box office success around the world specially in Asia” with them speaking English.... And before you say anything, no, a Japanese

Why do you Americans care where other world leaders store their funds? You’ve been supporting your own politicians laundering money to the Caymen islands for years, but suddenly, this comes to light about panama, and everyone’s acting like it’s a “gotcha” moment.

since the 1950's, the United States has publicly insisted that any confrontation(whether the US started it or not) would result in them firing nuclear missiles at the DPRK. That is a fact. If you really have to ask yourself “why would north korea build nuclear weapons?” you’re probably too dumb and too american to

you mean that boat that was in North Korean terroritory and was rightfully stopped, or the millions of koreans who died from continuous use of napalm by the US military, or that south korean general(the current presidents father btw) who had ceased all elections and was later assassinated by the south korean central

This isn’t shareable at all! Other than something something something feminism something something something I’m a millennial, this is just a stupid rant by someone that takes themselves far too serious for political commentary

It was all good until he started freebasing it

Sounds more like the same ol’ bullshit about Americans “saving lives” when in all reality, they didn’t do crap to help anyone but Halliberton’s stock.

*gasp* you mean those people who downloaded it early and illegally have a bunch of bugs in it as though you would have to buy it? no way...